Have your examination results come ___________ yet?
【单选题】 The Brownings have not ____ yet and I doubt whether they will come.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned to
【单选题】 “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need___ to read through it.”
①  other three minutes
②  another three minutes
③  three other minutes
④  more three minutes
【单选题】 They _ on the programme for almost one week before I joined them, and now we on it as no good results have come out so far.
①  had been working; are still working
②  had worked; were still working
③  have worked; were still working
④  have worked; are still working
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【单选题】 Have they had the broken windowpanes [填空] yet?
①  repalcing
②  to repalce
③  replaced
④  repalce
【单选题】 _______ difficulties we may come across, well help one another to overcome them.
①  Wherever
②  Whatever
③  However
④  Whenever
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 14.He hasnt come yet.What do you consider _______ to him?
①  happens
②  hashappened
③  happening
④  tohappen
【单选题】 ____ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
①  In spite of
②  But for
③  Because of
④  As for
【单选题】 _______ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
①  In spite of
②  But for
③  Because of
④  As for
【单选题】 力矩分配法是以()为基础的渐近法。
①  力法
②  位移法
③  迭代法
④  力法与位移法的联合
【单选题】 单位荷载作用在简支结间梁上,通过结点传递的主梁影响线,在各结点之间()。
①  部分为直线,部分为曲线
②  均为曲线
③  均为直线
④  竖标为零
【单选题】 外伸梁伸臂部分上K截面内力影响线在K截面以里是()。
①  全为零
②  全为正
③  全为负
④  可正可负
【单选题】 力矩分配法的计算对象是()。
①  多余未知力
②  支座反力
③  杆端弯矩
④  结点位移
【单选题】 图示结构截面K剪力影响线是图()。<img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D8503B836ED96E2CB31C29CE3D1996D3.png title=QQ截图20180421130038.png alt=QQ截图20180421130038.png/>
①  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/3908303A9ED6D01EF01111DDFD96F680.png title=1.png alt=1.png/>
②  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/E33F2ABB551915541C881B67BFBE367F.png title=2.png alt=2.png/>
③  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/A51F1733735267A707DE149490A3DE1D.png title=3.png alt=3.png/>
④  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D1259EC9B0DE8F1EA9A7B4371C54BA81.png title=4.png alt=4.png/>
【单选题】 在超静定结构计算中,一部分杆考虑弯曲变形,另一部分杆考虑轴向变形,则此结构为()。
②  桁架
③  横梁刚度为无限大的排架
④  组合结构
【单选题】 利用梁的某截面内力影响线可求移动荷载下梁的()。
①  所有截面的内力
②  指定截面的内力
③  任一截面的内力
④  该截面相应的内力
【单选题】 力矩分配法中的传递弯矩等于()。
①  固端弯矩
②  分配弯矩乘以传递系数
③  固端弯矩乘以传递系数
④  不平衡力矩乘以传递系数
【单选题】 用机动法作梁某一量值的影响线,其虚位移图的竖标为垂直于梁轴方向的虚位移,这一结论适用于()。
①  任何一种水平梁
②  任何一种静定梁
③  任何一种超静定梁
④  任何一种斜梁
【单选题】 力法的基本未知量是()。
①  结点角位移和线位移
②  多余约束力
③  广义位移
④  广义力