---When do you wish to visit Canada?---- _____________I am settled, I’ll go there.
【单选题】 I wish to go home with you, _____?
①  may I
②  shall I
③  would I
④  can I
【单选题】 Do you have any ice? I am used to have a nightcap before I go to bed.What is the meaning of the word “nightcap”?
①  沐浴
②  夜读
③  夜宵
④  睡前饮料
【单选题】 27.---I`ll be away for a visit to the History Museum.Would you mind going with me ? ---______.
①  I`lllikeit
②  No,I`venotime
③  Notatall,I`dbegladto
④  Yes,ofcourse
【单选题】 I wish to have a word with you, _____?
①  do I
②  don’ t I
③  may I
④  did I
【单选题】 A: Are you ready for the test tomorrow? B: [填空] A: Come on, I am sure you will do well.
①  Why do you ask?
②  No. Im afraid not.
③  Sure, no problem.
④  What about you?
【单选题】 My name is Michael. I am from CITS. ( )my company, I warmly welcome you to visit GZ.
①  In behalf of
②  At behalf of
③  On behalf
④  On behalf of
【单选题】 — Do you want to go to see a movie?— ______________ I feel like doing something different.
①  Dont mention it.
②  Yes. I want it.
③  Not really.
④  Adeal.
【单选题】 I am all ears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.
①  in another words
②  in the other words
③  with other words
④  in other words
【判断题】 I will help you do it. = I will help you to do it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Do you mind if I join you?
①  I’m very happy to do so
②  Never mind
③  Please do
④  Oh, I can’t
【单选题】 下列关于期权到期日价值的表达式中,不正确的是?
①  多头看涨期权到期日价值=Max(标的资产价格-行权价,0)
②  空头看涨期权到期日价值=-Max(行权价-标的资产价格,0)
③  多头看跌期权到期日价值=Max(行权价-标的资产价格,0)
④  空头看跌期权到期日价值=-Max(行权价-标的资产价格,0)
【简答题】 简述应金融监管变迁的主要动因
【简答题】 请分析现场检查和非现场检查的优缺点。
【简答题】 简述日本的金融监管体制
【简答题】 一般而言,金融监管的成本包括两大类:[填空1]和[填空2]。
【简答题】 本国境外金融机构监管的原则包括[填空1]、[填空2]、[填空3]和[填空4]。
【简答题】 金融机构内部控制与外部监管产生于相同的根源,即[填空1]。
【简答题】 金融监管的目标可分为[填空1]和[填空2]
【简答题】 中国反洗钱的行政主管机构是[填空1]。
【多选题】 国际清算银行的管理机构包括( )
①  股东大会
②  董事会
③  管理当局
④  监事会