A pen pal provides good motivation for your writing because he or she ____.
lives far away from you
knows China a lot so that you can have a lot to talk about
also keeps a diary
may inform you of many interesting things in his or her culture
【单选题】 If you learned a bit about calligraphy, the ?art of writing Chinese characters, you would realize there ______ a lot of ?pleasure in it.
①  is
②  has
③  were
④  would be
【判断题】 We wish that you hadnt have such a lot of work, because we know you would have enjoyed the party.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 When you read about your destination, you will learn more about the world and get ideas for places to visit and things to see. By ( ) prices and offers , you can also make your travel budget last longer.
①  compare
②  compatible
③  comparable
④  comparing
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断).
①  indications
②  signs
③  symbols
④  symptoms
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics ____ or may give you a choice of topics to write about.
①  in advance
②  ahead of
③  above al
④  right away
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 You will probably _____ your team’s chance to win because you seem to have such a great ______them.
①  affect; influence
②  effect; influence
③  affect; effect on
④  effect; affect on
【单选题】 This bottle is nearly empty; you _____ a lot.
①  could have drunk
②  ought to drink
③  must drink
④  must have drunk
【单选题】 组成森林的核心要素是()
①  A树木
②  B土地
③  C多种植物
④  D动物
【单选题】 半干旱区有()的水分深入到深层
①  A40%-60%
②  B0%-2%
③  C10%-20%
④  D60%-70%
【单选题】 世界上最大最集中连片的喀斯特区集中在()
①  A南非
②  B中国
③  C加拿大
④  D英国
【单选题】 (????)在1826年提出了法正林理论。
①  A.J.C.K.?Gayer
②  B.G.L.?Hartig
③  C.Endres
④  D.J.C.?Hundeshagen
【单选题】 紫花苜蓿具有______。
①  A掌状三出复叶
②  B羽状三出复叶
③  C羽状复叶
④  D单叶
【单选题】 草木犀为_____牧草。
①  A一年生
②  B越年生
③  C多年生
④  D都不是
【单选题】 “生态文明要求转变传统工业化生产方式,提倡清洁生产”属于()个层次
①  A生态方式层次
②  B物质层次
③  C生活方式层次
④  D以上都不正确
【单选题】 被告罗某在明知刘某、刘某某、黄某三人行为构成盗伐林木罪的情况下,只做罚款处理,没有移交相应司法机关处理,则其行为构成( )
①  A.滥用职权罪
②  B.玩忽职守罪
③  C.徇私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪
④  D.盗伐林木罪
【判断题】 《森林法》规定,上级林业主管部门应当定期监督、检查下级林业主管部门组织植树造林、恢复森林植被的情况
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 下层抚育属于疏伐范畴。
①  正确
②  错误