In the first sentence, “by no means” means ____.
without method
not at all
above all
【判断题】 Above all we should do this thing correctly.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We all know first impression ______ a lot.
①  discounts
②  counts
③  amounts
④  mounts
【单选题】 Without his timely help, we _____ all these in such a short period of time.
①  dont accomplish
②  have not accomplished
③  should not accomplish
④  would not have accomplished
【判断题】 Nationality means 国籍 in Chinese.
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into Chinese.In fact, it has nothing to do with him at all.
【单选题】 By no means_____ to our plan for the trip.
①  will she agree
②  she will agree
③  agrees she
④  will agree she
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChineseProfessor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.
【判断题】 Mushroom soup means 西红柿汤 in Chinese.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 If a book is in English, [] means a slow progress for you.
①  as
②  which
③  what
④  that
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChinesePrejudice against women violates the fundamental principle that all people are created equal.
【判断题】 夫妻在家庭中地位平等,这是一夫一妻制原则的具体体现,是对夫妻法律地位的原则性规定。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 婚姻家庭法具有强烈的伦理性,属于( )
①  身份法
②  财产法
③  行政法规
④  司法解释
【单选题】 石灰熟化过程中的陈伏是为了( )。
①  充分熟化 
②  增加产浆量 
③  减少收缩  
④  降低发热量
【单选题】 ( )是评定脆性材料强度的鉴别指标。
①  抗压强度
②  抗拉强度
③  抗弯强度
④  抗剪强度
【单选题】 为保护墙面转角处不易遭碰撞损坏,在室内抹面的门窗洞口及墙角、柱面的阳角处应做水泥砂浆护角,护角高度一般为 ( ) ,每侧宽度不小于50mm。
①  3m左右
②  不小于3m
③  2m以上
④  2m
【单选题】 在下列各种抹灰中,属于一般抹灰的是:( )
①  拉毛灰
②  彩色抹灰
③  麻刀石灰
④  水磨石
【单选题】 沥青卷材防水屋面施工时,涂抹沥青玛蹄脂的厚度不得大于:( )
①  1mm
②  2mm
③  3mm
④  4mm
【单选题】 卷材屋面防水的防水层应位于( )之上。
①  保温层
②  保护层
③  找平层
④  基层
【单选题】 天然饰板中常用的有:( )
①  花岗石饰面
②  预制水磨石
③  水刷石
④  釉面砖
【单选题】 抹灰常用的水泥为不小于( )级的普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥。
①  32.5
②  32.5R
③  42.5
④  42.5R