When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
take over
hand over
think over
get over
【单选题】 That man alone over there – who is he?
①  He is a student
②  He is Doctor Took
③  A driver, I suppose
④  He’s drunk
【单选题】 Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over.
①  spend
②  spends
③  take
④  takes
【单选题】 The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.
①  turned
②  set
③  held
④  ran
【单选题】 The car ran over the child, but by a _____ he was unhurt.
①  wonder
②  marvel
③  miracle
④  surprise
【单选题】 It was the driver’s ____ that caused him to step on the gas instead of the brake after his car went over the curb.
①  fraud
②  alarm
③  terror
④  panic
【单选题】 6.English is widely used ______ travelersand business people all over the world.
①  to
②  for
③  as
④  by
【单选题】 Nancy ( ) the egg over in the pan
①  flipping
②  flippere
③  flipped
④  flippant
【单选题】 Jan [填空] over there.
①  is
②  are
③  am
④  was
【单选题】 He gave us a []account of all that you had achieved over there.
①  ready
②  bright
③  colorful
④  glowing
【单选题】 9.When the class was over, everyone made__________the dining room.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  into
【单选题】 现在打印机最常使用的接口是( )
①  HDMI接口
②  USB接口
③  SATA接口
④  RJ45接口
【单选题】 一个接入互联网正常访问因特网的网卡,必须具有如下哪个参数( )
①  IP地址和子网掩码
②  DNS服务器
③  网关
④  以上都必须具有
【单选题】 下列不是网址是( )
①  BB@com
②  www.bb.com
③  news.163.com
④  http://www.bb.com
【单选题】 中央广播电视中等专业学校是一所依托()设置的运用现代化教学手段和多媒体教学开展中等专业学历教育的开放性学校。
①  国家开放大学
②  技工学院
③  技能培训学校
【单选题】 并面向社会直接招收初中毕业生和在职青年举办()职业教育。
①  初等
②  中等
③  高等
【单选题】 中央广播电视中等专业学校学制为初中起点两年制、初中起点三年制、高中起点()。
①  三年制
②  两年制
③  一年制
【单选题】 中央广播电视中等专业学校实行()招生。
①  按学期制入学
②  全年滚动
③  每年3月和九月入学
【单选题】 中央广播电视中等专业学校()接受学生个人报名。
①  直接
②  不直接
【单选题】 初中起点两年制或初中起点三年制学生学籍有效期为()年。
①  3
②  2
③  6
【单选题】 高中起点一年制学生学籍有效期为( )年。
①  3
②  2
③  6