Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the ____ of the quality of their products.
【单选题】 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________ cost.
①  low
②  lowest
③  lower
④  lowed
【单选题】 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________cost.
①  low
②  lowest
③  lower
④  lowing
【单选题】 The company is trying every _____to improve the quality of products.
①  meaning
②  means
③  mean
④  meanings
【单选题】 Our customers are complaining of the ______ quality of our products.
①  gracious
②  wonderful
③  superior
④  inferior
【单选题】 Should your products prove _________ in quality and reasonable in price, I trust substantial order will follow .
①  satisfy
②  satisfactory
③  satisfied
④  satisfaction
【单选题】 4.Many people have accused the superpower of ____ bombing of the “innocent country”.
①  powerful
②  violent
③  indiscriminate
④  big
【单选题】 Many a customer____ about the poor quality of the washing machine.
①  complains
②  complain
③  are complaining
④  have complained
【单选题】 She had made many ( ) into the quality of the computer before buying one.
①  inquiry
②  inquiries
③  search
④  research
【判断题】 There were many Germans at the studium.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Life is often compared ______ a stage by many writers.
①  like
②  as
③  with
④  to
【单选题】 下列费用中不属于社会保障费的是( )
①  养老保险费
②  失业保险费
③  医疗保险费
④  住房公积金
【单选题】 根据建筑安装工程定额编制的原则,按平均水平编制的是( )
①  预算定额
②  企业定额
③  概算定额
④  概算指标
【单选题】 单位生产能力估算法主要用于( )
①  新建项目或装置
②  迁建项目或装置
③  改建项目或装置
④  扩建项目或装置
【单选题】 编制预算定额人工消耗量,已知必须消耗技术工种用工30工日,超运距用工2工日,辅助用工3工日,人工幅度差率10%,则预算定额人工消耗量( )工日
①  30
②  23.5
③  38.5
④  27.3
【单选题】 概算指标中各种消耗量指标的确定,主要来自( )
①  各种预算或结算资料
②  概算定额
③  预算定额
④  施工定额
【单选题】 与项目建设有关的其他费用是( )
①  引进技术和进口设备其他费用
②  联合试运转费
③  土地使用权出让金
④  生产准备费
【判断题】 预算定额反映大多数企业和地区能达到的社会平均水平
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 最新市场材料价格是进行价差调整的重要依据
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 施工图预算的编制方法有单价法和实物法两种
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 工程量的数字应精确到小数点后两位
①  正确
②  错误