We should make a clear ____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
【单选题】 The leakage of the concrete ( ) of the contract between the two corporations has aroused much concern and a heated discussion in local residents.
①  portions
②  divisions
③  fragments
④  details
【单选题】 To make this ____ clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
①  distinction
②  indication
③  recognition
④  constitution
【单选题】 To make this _____clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
①  distinction
②  indication
③  recognition
④  constitution
【单选题】 ______ the storm, we should have reached our company.
①  Because of
②  In spite of
③  In case of
④  But for
【单选题】 This is a _____ moment for our research. We should be careful.
①  critical
②  belt
③  conscience
④  copper
【单选题】 Don’t _______ our hopes. As long as we pull together, we’ll make it.
①  give up
②  give out
③  give back
④  give away
【单选题】 We should be pleased to send you some samples of our new printers on approval, _______ our own expenses.
①  at
②  on
③  for
④  in
【单选题】 As a freshman, we should get to know campus ( ) as soon as possible and make good use of them.
①  Source
②  sources
③  resource
④  resources
【单选题】 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.
①  take part in
②  join
③  taking part in
④  joining
【单选题】 To step up the trade, we______ our end-users, make counter-offers as below.
①  and
②  on behalf of
③  with
④  from
【单选题】 在沙堡培养基中加入放线酮是为了
①  促进真菌生长
②  抑制细菌生长
③  抑制螺旋体生长
④  抑制污染真菌生长
⑤  抑制噬菌体生长
【单选题】 乳酸酚棉兰染色将真菌染成哪种颜色
①  蓝色
②  紫色
③  红色
④  棕色
⑤  黑色
【单选题】 培养基的最适pH是
①  2.0~4.0
②  3.0~5.0
③  4.0~6.0
④  5.0~7.0
⑤  6.0~8.0
【判断题】 1、霉菌都是对人体不利的,如黄曲霉可能致癌。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 真菌的实验室检查常用哪些方法?这些方法各有何优缺点?
【简答题】 简述真菌对人类和环境的影响
【单选题】 一般采集粪便标本应当
①  新鲜、有脓血粘液部分
②  陈旧、有脓血粘液部分
③  新鲜、无脓血粘液部分
④  陈旧、无脓血粘液部分
【单选题】 尿路感染者的中段尿中细菌数会大于
①  102CFU/ml
②  103CFU/ml
③  10? CFU/ml
④  105CFU/ml
【单选题】 最常采用的尿标本采集方法是
①  中段尿
②  膀胱尿
③  肾盂尿
④  晨尿
【单选题】 中段尿标本留取的量约为
①  1~5ml
②  5~10ml
③  10~20ml
④  至少50ml