With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
【单选题】 After the flood the first thing the local government did was to provide ( )for the homeless families.
①  accommodate
②  accommodator
③  accommodation
④  accommodative
【单选题】 35.No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.
①  performing
②  performed
③  tobeperformed
④  beingperformed
【单选题】 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.
①  were; was
②  was ; was
③  were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people invited______ sixty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.
①  were; was
②  was; was
③  was; were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 Many people prefer large cars, ___ large cars are safer than small ones.
①  think
②  to think
③  having thought
④  thinking
【单选题】 People often ____ the old days ____good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.
①  hold--back
②  associate--with
③  put--down
④  turn--out
【单选题】 The government would be unwise to ( ) the complaints of its people.
①  overlook
②  ignore
③  neglect
④  disrespect
【单选题】 When a program has a small number of people_________ it, it is discontinued.
①  looking
②  watching
③  hearing
④  listening
【单选题】 We’ve had an() amount of help from people
①  engage
②  encounter
③  entertain
④  enormous
【判断题】 垄断价格的出现意味着价值规律作用的消失。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 不变资本和可变资本的划分是以资本价值周转方式的不同来进行的。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在市场经济条件下,价值规律作用的基本形式是价值以价格为中心上下波动。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资本主义经济危机的根源是生产过剩。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 再生产按规模可分为简单再生产和扩大再生产。简单再生产就是在原有规模上重复进行的再生产。扩大再生产,就是生产规模比原来扩大的再生产。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资本的本质是能带来剩余价值的价值。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 国家垄断资本主义是国家政权与垄断资本相结合的垄断资本主义。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 适应社会生产力发展的要求,国家垄断资本主义突破了私人垄断资本的局限性,因此,它具有社会主义的本质。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资本主义国家直接向私人企业订货的形式属于国有资本和私人垄断资本在企业外部的结合。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 以商品生产和商品交换为内容的直接以交换为目的的经济形式,是商品经济。( )
①  正确
②  错误