With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991.
【单选题】 After the flood the first thing the local government did was to provide ( )for the homeless families.
①  accommodate
②  accommodator
③  accommodation
④  accommodative
【单选题】 35.No matter how frequently _____ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people.
①  performing
②  performed
③  tobeperformed
④  beingperformed
【单选题】 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent.
①  were; was
②  was ; was
③  were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people invited______ sixty, but a number of them______ absent for different reasons.
①  were; was
②  was; was
③  was; were
④  were; were
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 Many people prefer large cars, ___ large cars are safer than small ones.
①  think
②  to think
③  having thought
④  thinking
【单选题】 People often ____ the old days ____good times, and seem to forget the hardship they suffered.
①  hold--back
②  associate--with
③  put--down
④  turn--out
【单选题】 The government would be unwise to ( ) the complaints of its people.
①  overlook
②  ignore
③  neglect
④  disrespect
【单选题】 When a program has a small number of people_________ it, it is discontinued.
①  looking
②  watching
③  hearing
④  listening
【单选题】 We’ve had an() amount of help from people
①  engage
②  encounter
③  entertain
④  enormous
【单选题】 ()是指将一组流动性差的金融资产经过一定的组合,使之产生稳定的现金流收益,然后再转变为具有流动性且信用等级较高的债权型证券的技术和过程。
①  国有化
②  金融机构私有化
③  收购与合并
④  资产证券化
【单选题】 ()美国建立了联邦储备体系。
①  1910年
②  1911年
③  1912年
④  1913年
【判断题】 金融监管是政府为弥补市场内在机制缺陷而进行的一种制度安排。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 金融机构市场退出按内容分为主动退出与被动退出。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在世界各国的实践中,金融经营体制和监管体制是完全的单一对应关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 金融业的经营模式一般有两种,即盈利性经营和非盈利性经营。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 金融监管的内容按监管性质划分分为金融机构行政监管和业务监管。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据金融监管权力的分配和层次划分的金融监管体制的模式有()。
①  双线多头的金融监管体制
②  单线多头的金融监管体制
③  单线单头的金融监管体制
④  集中单一的金融监管体制
【多选题】 目前,我国的金融监管机构有()。
①  中国人民银行
②  中国银行业监督管理委员会
③  中国证券监督管理委员会
④  中国保险监督管理委员会
【多选题】 从广义上讲,金融监管体制包括()。
①  监管目标
②  监管范围
③  监管理论
④  监管方式
⑤  监管主体的确立及权限划分