、Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ____ to his confusion.
【单选题】 He looked at the little girl, _________ where he had seen her before.
①  wondering
②  wondered
【单选题】 He found it hard to ( ) his studies in such a noisy environment.
①  devote to
②  dwell on
③  concentrate on
④  depend on
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 Had he worked hard, he _____ the exams.
①  must have got through
②  would have got through
③  would get through
④  could get through
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 3. He said he had ______ this subject for ten years.
①  taught
②  pursued
③  demanded
④  afforded
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.2. Why would it not be easy for Robert to prove himself?
①  Because he was not sure if he was really strong.
②  Because he was new and was not wanted in the street.
③  Because the other boys had found out what kind of a boy he was.
④  Because he must choose the best way to prove himself.
【单选题】 下列有关新冠肺炎实验室检查叙述错误的是( )
【单选题】 关于关于新冠疫情期间咳嗽和打喷嚏时的注意事项,以下说法错误的是( )
【单选题】 预防、控制传染病疫情或者应对突发事件急需的疫苗,需经( )批准,免于批签发
【单选题】 集中观察点工作人员在转运新冠病人或因其他工作需要与被隔离对象近距离接触时,应当佩戴( )
【单选题】 新冠肺炎重症、危重症病例的治疗,正确的是( )
【单选题】 在治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎时,轻型、普通型、重型患者均可选用的方剂是( )
【单选题】 以下不属于新冠肺炎发热门诊的急救设备的是( )
【单选题】 以下哪项属于儿童新冠肺炎的重型诊断标准( )
【单选题】 新冠集中隔离医学观察的管理对象包括( )
【单选题】 确诊新型冠状病毒感染的孕妇,剖宫产麻醉方式的选择,对麻醉医师具有感染风险的是哪一种( )