【单选题】 假定所有变量均已正确说明,下列程序段运行后x的值是a=b=c=0;x=35;if!a)x--;elseifb);ifc)x=3;elsex=4;
①  34
②  4
③  35
④  3
【单选题】 以下程序段运行后,x[1]的值为()。intx[5]={5,4,3,2,1};x[1]=x[3]+x[2+2]-x[3-1];
①  6
②  0
③  1
④  5
【单选题】 设:inta=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2;执行(m=a>b)&&(n=c>d)后n的值为()。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【简答题】 解线性方程组<img class="jc-formula" data-tex="\begin{ cases } x_{ 1 }+3{ x }_{ 2 }-{ 2x }_{ 3 }+{ x }_{ 4 }=1 \\ 2{ x }_{ 1 }+5{ x }_{ 2 }-3{ x }_{ 3 }+{ x }_{ 4 }=3 \\ -3{ x }_{ 1 }+4{ x }_{ 2 }+8{ x }_{ 3 }-2{ x }_{ 4 }=4 \\ 6{ x }_{ 1 }-{ x }_{ 2 }-6{ x }_{ 3 }+4{ x }_{ 4 }=2 \end{ cases }" src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/9D3F9AFD766D2E70840A2BC2711DEC75.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"/>.
【单选题】 执行以下语句后b的值为( )。 Int a=5,b=6,w=1,x=2,y=3,z=4; (a=wx)(b=y
①  6
②  0
③  1
④  4
【单选题】 集合A={a,b,c},A上的二元关系R={<a,a>&lt;A,A&gt;,&lt;B,B&gt;,&lt;A,C&gt;<b,b><a,c>},则R具有以下性质()。</a,c></b,b></a,a>
①  自反性、反对称性、传递性
②  反自反性、反对称性、传递性
③  对称性、传递性
④  反对称性、传递性
【单选题】 设a=5,b=6,c=7,d=8,则执行下列语句后,x的值为:______。 x= IIF((a>b) And (c<d),10,20)
①  300
②  20
③  30
④  10
【简答题】 求解方程组<img class="jc-formula" data-tex="\begin{ cases } { x }_{ 1 }-2{ x }_{ 2 }+3{ x }_{ 3 }-{ x }_{ 4 }=1 \\ 3{ x }_{ 1 }-5{ x }_{ 2 }+5x_{ 3 }-3{ x }_{ 4 }=2 \\ 2{ x }_{ 1 }-3{ x }_{ 2 }+2{ x }_{ 3 }-2{ x }_{ 4 }=1 \end{ cases }" src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D2F7DBEDF74F0DA535C0BD6A61FA9854.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"/>
【简答题】 求方程组<img class="jc-formula" data-tex="\begin{ cases } x_{ 1 }-{ x }_{ 2 }-{ x }_{ 3 }+{ x }_{ 4 }=0 \\ { x }_{ 1 }-{ x }_{ 2 }+{ x }_{ 3 }-3{ x }_{ 4 }=0 \\ { x }_{ 1 }-{ x }_{ 2 }-2{ x }_{ 3 }+3{ x }_{ 4 }=0 \end{ cases }" src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D4C08D0A4459C36BE868755327686B0E.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"/>的全部解。
【简答题】 求如下方程组的全部解<img class="jc-formula" data-tex="\begin{ cases } { x }_{ 1 }+5{ x }_{ 2 }-{ x }_{ 3 }-{ x }_{ 4 }=-1 \\ x_{ 1 }-2{ x }_{ 2 }+{ x }_{ 3 }+3{ x }_{ 4 }=3 \\ 3{ x }_{ 1 }+8{ x }_{ 2 }-{ x }_{ 3 }+{ x }_{ 4 }=1 \\ { x }_{ 1 }-9{ x }_{ 2 }+3{ x }_{ 3 }+7{ x }_{ 4 }=7 \end{ cases }" src="https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/A62CC30A0D3B926B3452EB7F99DCE879.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"/>.
【单选题】 The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and ________.
①  Washington Irving
②  Nathaniel Hawthorne
③  Henry David Thoreau
④  Walt Whitman
【单选题】 Emily Dickinsons poetic idiom is noted for the following except .
①  brevity
②  directness
③  plainest words
④  obscure
【单选题】 Which of the following is not written by Herman Melville? ____
①  Typee and Omoo
②  Mardi and White Jacket
③  The Bostonians and American Tragedy
④  Moby-Dick and Pierre
【单选题】 Which is not connected with Thomas Paine?
①  Common Sense
②  The American Crisis
③  The Rights of Man
④  The Ambassadors
【单选题】 The most important representatives of American transcendentalism, which once flourished in New England as a philosophical and literary movement, are _________.
①  Edgar Poe and James Cooper
②  Emerson and Whitman
③  Hawthorne and Melville
④  Emerson and Thoreau
【判断题】 Oscar Wilde is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Realism was a reaction against______ or a move away from the bias towards romance and self-creating fictions, and paved the way to Modernism.
①  Rationalism
②  Romanticism
③  Neoclassicism
④  Enlightenment
【单选题】 Writers like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf concentrated their efforts on digging into the human_____.
①  dignity
②  behavior
③  morality
④  consciousness
【单选题】 Joyce’s masterpiece, ______ gives and accounts of man’s life during one day (16 June, 1904).
①  Dubliners
②  Finnegans Wake
③  Ulysses
④  A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
【单选题】 The 20th century has witnessed a great achievement in English poetry and novel, which are mainly represented by the following except ____.
①  Thomas Hardy
②  Ezra Pound
③  T. S. Eliot
④  Robert Browning