【判断题】 美术欣赏与美术鉴赏都是借助感觉和体验进行的主观审美活动,二者实际上是一回事。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 公文必须遵循一文一事的原则。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 深入地、缜密地提炼准确、鲜明的()是新闻评论为文之要。
①  总论点
②  分论点
③  其他
【判断题】 《广韵》标注“同用”实际上是为了“广文路”而设。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《修事指南》的作者是
①  张仲岩
②  张仲景
③  陈嘉谟
④  缪希雍
⑤  李时珍
【单选题】 32.“退之诗押韵之文耳”,这是出自( )的论断。
①  A.严羽
②  B.沈括
③  C.惠洪
【判断题】 应用文允许虚构。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 批复同请示一样,也应一文一事。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 批复同请示一样,也应该一文一事。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 响亮提出“小说为国民之魂”口号的人是?
①  金圣叹
②  梁启超
③  王国维
④  袁于令
【单选题】 The old men who gave away lots of money ______ highly of at yesterday’s meeting.
①  spoke
②  spoken
③  was spoken
④  were spoken
【单选题】 Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite ___.
①  invaluable
②  priceless
③  worthless
④  valuable
【单选题】 Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?
①  that
②  which
③  the one
④  who
【单选题】 Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.
①  from
②  like
③  with
④  as
【单选题】 I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together in the country.
①  which
②  on which
③  when
④  on that
【单选题】 The book ______ you want is on the desk.Which of the following isn’t right?
①  that
②  which
③  /
④  it
【单选题】 It is in 1960 ______ Chinese first put out flag on Mount Qomolangma.
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 I have the same pen ______.
①  which you have
②  as yours
③  that you are
④  as you
【单选题】 The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.
①  that
②  which
③  to which
④  where
【单选题】 Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a_______to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.
①  sign
②  mark
③  signal
④  board