Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
【单选题】 Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
①  Everybody likes her because she is always _______ .
②  cheerful
③  sad
④  selfish
【单选题】 She was doing her homework _____ the bell rang.
①  while
②  when
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ____ when she was trying to go to sleep.
①  sounding
②  ringing
③  ticking
④  humming
【单选题】 My sister falls while she is [填空] her bicycle and hurts herself.
①  ride
②  rideing
③  riding
④  rides
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【单选题】 Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy __________ for her examination.
①  to prepare
②  to be prepared
③  preparing
④  being prepared
【单选题】 It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an _____plan.
①  bright
②  clever
③  brilliant
④  ingenious
【单选题】 Feeling that she was in the right, she took _____at the dirty remark.
①  production
②  offense
③  defense
④  guard
【判断题】 What?has she doing?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.
①  that
②  which
③  on that
④  on which
【单选题】 关于砌体结构构造措施的说法,不正确的是()。
①  砖墙的构造措施主要有:伸缩缝、沉降缝、圈梁
②  沉降缝两端结构的基础可不分开
③  圈梁可以增加房屋结构的整体性
④  圈梁可以抵抗基础不均匀沉降引起墙体内产生的拉应力
【单选题】 散热和除尘能力,适应于中型以上的热加工厂房。
①  矩形和山形
②  矩形和方形
③  方形和L形
④  L形
【单选题】 某厂房在经历强烈地震后,其结构仍能保持必要的整体性而不发生倒塌,此项功能属于结构的()。
①  安全性
②  适用性
③  耐久性
④  稳定性
【单选题】 根据《建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准》(GB50068),普通房屋的设计使用年限通常为()年。
①  40
②  50
③  60
④  70
【单选题】 倒铺屋面,其保温材料为
①  珍珠岩
②  蛭石
③  膨胀珍珠岩
④  聚氨脂发泡材料
【单选题】 水磨石地面设置分格条的作用是()Ⅰ.坚固耐久Ⅱ.便于维修Ⅲ.防止产生裂缝Ⅳ.防水
①  ⅠⅡ
②  ⅠⅢ
③  ⅡⅢ
④  ⅢⅣ
【单选题】 屋面分仓缝处常用的密封材料为()。
①  水泥砂浆
②  油膏
③  细石混凝土
④  防水砂浆
【单选题】 楼梯踏步踏面的宽度最适宜的尺寸为:
①  240mm
②  300mm
③  450mm
④  600mm
【单选题】 铜条等),其目的是()
①  防止面层开裂
②  便于磨光
③  面层不起灰
④  增添美观
【单选题】 采用防水砂浆做建筑物水平防潮层不适于()。
①  地基潮气大的建筑
②  地基会产生变形的建筑
③  地基埋深过大的建筑
④  地基埋深小的建筑