Tommy:Mommy, when will we have dinner? Im starving.Mother:__________ We have to wait for Daddy.
OK, honey.
Quickly, honey.
Soon, honey.
All right, honey.
【单选题】 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: __________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: __________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 A: Honey, there is little milk in the fridge. B: [填空]
①  OK, ok. Ill go to the store right now.
②  Yes, honey. Let me know what I can do.
③  Whats missing, dear?
④  Sure, Ill get more next time.
【单选题】 As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ____ it.
①  postpone
②  refuse
③  delay
④  cancel
【单选题】 We’ll _____you as soon as we have any further information.
①  notify
②  signify
③  communicates
④  impart
【单选题】 ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
①  Since
②  While
③  For
④  Before
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 There are ________ people in front of the cinema gate so we have to wait ________ time to get into the cinema.
①  too much; much too
②  too many; too much
③  much too; too much
④  too much; too many
【单选题】 A: Is it time for us to set off now? B: [填空]. We’ll have to wait for one more hour.
①  Certainly, it is
②  Thats all right
③  Sorry, I am afraid not
④  Sorry,its too long
【单选题】 11. I prefer ____ dinner when we arrive there.
①  having
②  to have
③  taking
④  to take
【单选题】 小概率事件是指发生概率小于( )的事件:
①  0.1
②  0.05
③  0.2
④  0.005
【单选题】 若对两个变量进行直线相关分析,r=0.39,P>0.05,则说明两个变量之间
①  有伴随关系
②  有数量关系
③  有相关关系
④  无相关关系
【单选题】 统计表有简单表和复合表两种,其中,复合表是指:
①  有主辞和宾词
②  主辞有两个或两个以上标志
③  宾词有两个或以上标志
④  两张简单表
【判断题】 普通线图的纵坐标必须从0开始。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 对两独立样本均数做t检验,两组样本量分别为25和20,其自由度为()
①  19
②  24
③  43
④  44
【单选题】 单样本t检验的H0为
①  μ=μ0
②  μ≠μ0
③  μd=0
④  μd≠0
【单选题】 统计学中所说的总体是指:
①  任意想象的研究对象的全体
②  根据研究目的确定的研究对象的全体
③  根据时间划分的研究对象的全体
④  根据人群划分的研究对象的全体
【判断题】 描述偏态分布资料的平均水平用几何均数。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 5个比例的差别作χ2检验,P<0.05可认为总体比例各不相等。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 标准正态曲线下,横轴上从–∞到0的面积为0.95。
①  正确
②  错误