_________ the news of Jims death, the old medical officer was proud of his daughters boyfriend.
【单选题】 She cant get down to work because she was deeply __________ by the news of his death.
①  surprised
②  affected
③  harmed
④  charged
【单选题】 The medical officer was praised (表扬) for _______________ the life of a child.
①  saving
②  checking
③  discussing
④  weeping
【单选题】 ______ David loves his daughters, he is strict with them.
①  When
②  If
③  Since
④  While
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”This old man was none other than the medical officer what had given Jim the health check.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —______ model plane is this?—I think its Jims. Look,his name is on it.
①  Who
②  What?@Whose
③  Where
【单选题】 A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
①  avoid
②  reject
③  refuse
④  neglect
【单选题】 A police officer claimed he had attempted to _______ paying his fare.
①  avoid
②  reject
③  refuse
④  neglect
【单选题】 His father began to work ______ he was seven years old.
①  as old as
②  as early as
③  as soon as
④  as much as
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 5. His father began to work ____he was seven years old.
①  as old as
②  as early as
③  as soon as
④  as much as
【单选题】 办公类建筑包含( )
①  居住类建筑
②  科研类建筑
③  体育类建筑
④  行政和企业办公房屋
【单选题】 建筑按照其重要性、规模的大小、使用的要求的不同,分成()、()、()、()、()、()等多个级别。
①  特级、1级、2级 、3级 、4级、5级
②  1级、2级 、3级 、4级、5级、6级
【单选题】 图纸的内边框是图框线,图框线的绘制用()。?
①  细实线???
②  中粗实线??
③  粗实线???
④  加粗的粗实线
【单选题】 建筑模数是建筑设计中选定的()。它是()、()、()以及有关()相互间协调的基础。
①  标准尺寸 、建筑物 、 建筑构配件、建筑制品、 设备尺寸
②  建筑物、建筑构配件、设备尺寸、标准尺寸、建筑制品
【单选题】 因为尺上的实际长度只有10mm即1cm,所以用这种比例尺画出的图形尺寸是实物一百分之一,它们之间的比例关系是1:100。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 已知A点的三面投影a、a’、a’’,其中a反映A到()投影面的距离。
①  H面和V面
②  H面和W面
③  V面和W面
④  所有面
【单选题】 凡与三个坐标轴平行时的直线尺寸,可在轴测轴上等同量取,与坐标轴平行的直线不能再图上直接量取尺寸,而要先定出该直线的两端点的位置,再画出该直线的轴测投影。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 根据直线上点的投影定比性,判断属于线段上的点的分割线段之比等于其投影之比。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 若点在直线上,则点的各个投影必在直线的各同面投影上。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 侧垂面在任意投影面上的投影积聚为直线。
①  正确
②  错误