Computers can also help the police fight ______________ .
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Computers can also help the police fight crime.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ____ such circumstances, one can only fight back.
①  Below
②  Within
③  Over
④  Under
【单选题】 Can I help you with the bag?
①  No, no. I can take it myself
②  Thank you
③  Sorry, you can’t
④  No, I’m all right
【单选题】 In china, people can pay their hotel bills in cash, by credit cards or with( )
①  check
②  money
③  travel checks
④  traveler’s checks
【判断题】 Credit cards are be used in most countries, but you may also need to bring some cash.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He called the police for help, ____ that the problem was more than he could deal with.
①  to realize
②  having been realized
③  realizing
④  realized
【单选题】 Can I help you with your suitcase?
①  I have no idea
②  No, no. I can carry it myself
③  That’s a good idea
④  Thank you. I can manage myself
【多选题】 _____________ , computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better.
①  In time
②  In fact
③  Actually
④  As a matter of fact
【判断题】 There are far more toys than the three-year-old child can count.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 As these machines are precision instruments which cannot stand rough handling, the wording” Handle with Care” should be also marked ____ each case.
①  on
②  in
③  with
④  into
【单选题】 新斯的明的禁忌证是 ( )
①  重症肌无力
②  术后腹气胀
③  阵发性室上性心动过速
④  尿路结石致尿潴留
⑤  筒箭毒碱过量解救
【单选题】 对pethitine描述错误的是
①  与morphine等效剂量时镇痛效力相同
②  可用于人工冬眠
③  有成瘾性
④  可提高胃肠平滑肌张力而致便秘
⑤  用于胆绞痛需合用atropine
【单选题】 糖皮质激素禁忌证中错误的是
①  糖尿病
②  粒细胞减少
③  角膜溃疡
④  骨折术后
⑤  严重精神病
【单选题】 肾功能不良的铜绿假单胞菌感染患者可选用( )
①  万古霉素
②  头孢哌酮
③  氨苄青霉素
④  庆大霉素
⑤  克林霉素
【单选题】 糖皮质激素的抗毒作用是指
①  破坏内毒素
②  中和内毒素
③  直接杀灭内毒素
④  提高机体对内毒素的耐受力
⑤  杀灭病毒
【单选题】 chlorpromazine引起的锥体外系反应不包括
①  迟发性运动障碍
②  肌张力降低
③  急性肌张力障碍
④  静坐不能
⑤  帕金森综合征
【单选题】 新斯的明的禁忌证有:
①  青光眼
②  重症肌无力
③  腹气胀和术后尿潴留
④  阵发性室上性心动过速
【单选题】 下列关于苯妥英钠的叙述中错误的是
①  口服吸收慢而不规则
②  用于癫痫大发作
③  呈强酸性
④  可抗心律失常
⑤  长期应用可使齿龈增生
【单选题】 影响核酸生物合成的抗肿瘤药是
①  氟尿嘧啶
②  放线菌素
③  长春碱
④  顺铂
⑤  博来霉素
【单选题】 对Furosemide 的描述错误的是 ( )
①  为高效利尿药
②  增加肾脏血流量
③  各种水肿首选
④  过度利尿可导致低血钾
⑤  与氨基苷类合用增加耳毒性