He didnt seem to mind_____the music while he was studying.
them listening
them to listen to
when she returned
that did she return
【单选题】 Alice ___her father that both she and her husband would be happy if he would live with them.
①  convinced
②  reinforced
③  pledged
④  required
【单选题】 He________listen to pop music,but now he________dancing.
①  is used to;used to
②  used to;is used to
③  used to;is used for
④  is used for;used to
【单选题】 18. He ______ listen to pop music, but now he ______dancing.
①  is used to; used to
②  used to; is used to
③  used to; is used for
④  is used for; used to
【单选题】 The letters for the boss __________ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.
①  were put
②  was put
③  put
④  has put
【判断题】 She is under the impression that he isn’t a __genuine____ person for he wouldn’t tell her where and when he went to university.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ______ David loves his daughters, he is strict with them.
①  When
②  If
③  Since
④  While
【单选题】 As to Grosvenor and Scott, she____ never to meet them again.
①  resolved
②  decide
③  determine
④  involved
【判断题】 He insisted that all of them be present at the banquet.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 7.We could see he felt ______ as he pointed and laughed at them.
①  inferior
②  . stupid
③  superior
④  advanced
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 成本结转时将完工产品转到的科目是(  )。
①  存货
②  库存商品
③  在建工程
④  固定资产
【单选题】 直接人工工资率差异=(实际人工工时-实际产量下标准人工工时)×(  )。
①  标准工资率
②  实际工资率
③  平均工资率
④  预算工资率
【单选题】 分配联合成本时,实物量分配法是以产品在(  )相应的产出份额为基础。
①  分离点处
②  销售时点
③  再加工时
④  生产时
【单选题】 “生产成本”账户应设置的两个二级科目包括“基本生产成本”和(  )。
①  二级生产成本
②  间接生产成本
③  辅助生产成本
④  后续生产成本
【单选题】 制造费用是指制造企业车间范围为生产产品和提供劳务而发生的各项(  )。
①  直接费用
②  间接费用
③  期间费用
④  车间管理费用
【单选题】 固定制造费用三差异分析法将固定制造费用分为耗费差异,能力差异和(  )。
①  产量差异
②  能量差异
③  效率差异
④  工资率差异
【单选题】 辅助费用的交互分配法包括对内分配和(  )。
①  对外分配
②  交互分配
③  外部分配
④  再分配
【单选题】 分项结转分步法生产费用的分配进一步分为先进先出法和(  )。
①  交互分配法
②  直接分配法
③  计划分配法
④  加权平均法
【单选题】 如果租入机械为(  )工程服务,那么,应按各工程使用机械的台班数,将租赁费用分配计入各成本计算对象。
①  一个
②  一个以上
③  两个
④  两个或两个以上
【单选题】 (  )账户核算企业库存的各种商品的实际成本,包括库存外购商品、自制库存商品、存放在门市部准备出售的商品、发出展览的商品以及寄存在外库的商品等。
①  “库存商品”
②  “商品采购”
③  “在途物资”
④  “材料成本差异”