头肩部抬高25o~30 o
【单选题】 新生儿颅内出血,在早期为降低颅内压宜选用
①  20%甘露醇
②  呋塞米(速尿 )
③  地塞米松
④  50%葡萄糖
⑤  氢化可的松
【单选题】 属于新生儿颅内出血的神经系统的兴奋症状是
①  嗜睡
②  昏迷
③  肌张力低下
④  脑性尖叫
⑤  拥抱反射消失
【单选题】 不属于新生儿颅内出血病情观察的主要内容是
①  神志状态
②  瞳孔大小
③  囟门状态
④  各种反射
⑤  饮食情况
【单选题】 新生儿期呕吐,为防止窒息,应使患儿保持( )
①  侧卧位
②  仰卧位
③  俯卧位
④  头高足低位
【单选题】 新生儿窒息时首选的护理措施是
①  给氧
②  刺激呼吸
③  清理呼吸道
④  纠正酸中毒
⑤  注射强心剂
【单选题】 新生儿黄疸患儿进行蓝光照射时注意保护()。
①  A.皮肤
②  B.眼睛
③  C.头部
④  D.四肢
【单选题】 产伤性颅内出血多见于
①  早产儿
②  低出生体重儿
③  小于胎龄儿
④  极低出生体重儿
⑤  足月儿
【单选题】 出生时,新生儿头围和胸围的关系为( )
①  头围比胸围大1—2cm
②  头围比胸围小1—2cm
③  头围比胸围小1—2cm
④  头围比胸围小2—3cm
【单选题】 缺氧缺血性颅内出血多见于
①  早产儿
②  足月儿
③  适于胎龄儿
④  正常体重儿
⑤  巨大儿
【单选题】 新生儿医院感染诊断不包括哪一项( )
①  宫腔内感染
②  吸入性肺炎
③  新生儿鹅口疮
④  新生儿尿布疹
⑤  新生儿在产道发生感染
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too
【单选题】 Excuse me. I don’t want to interrupt you but …
①  Can I help you?
②  Certainly, how dare you
③  It’s quite all right
④  Yes, you did
【单选题】 Latin America has an __________ labor force and natural resources.
①  wealthy
②  abundant
③  scattered
④  deposited
【单选题】 Could I use your dictionary for a moment?
①  It’s well
②  It doesn’t matter
③  By all means
④  I have no idea
【单选题】 Can I borrow your camera for a couple of days?
①  Yes, you may borrow
②  Yes, go on
③  Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey
④  It doesn’t matter
【单选题】 Hardly ever _________ get a good job these days without a good education.
①  people might
②  people can
③  do people
④  have people
【单选题】 Dieters should try to reach and __________ a reasonable weight.
①  contain
②  secure
③  reserve
④  maintain
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest.
①  Yes, I beat the others
②  No, no, I didn’t do it well
③  Thank you
④  Dont mention it.
【单选题】 Children learn best by studying at their own __________ .
①  rate
②  speed
③  pace
④  growth