【单选题】 长三角地区开放教育学分银行哪一年成立?
①  2017
②  2018
③  2019
④  2020
【判断题】 以上海为中心的长江三角地区是全国最大和最先进的棉纺织工业基地。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1985年,长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和闽南厦漳泉三角地区同时被列为沿海经济开放区。(单选 2 分)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 相比长三角、粤港澳和京津冀,地处西部腹地的成渝地区是最大的回旋余地,成渝地区双城经济圈在双循环新发展格局中的地位更加重要,不可替代。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 截止到2020年,成渝地区双城经济圈的GDP在全国的占比已经超过长三角城市群和京津冀城市群。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 沿海三角洲地区以及一些内陆湖相盆地等地区,由于形成历史较短,可能存在超厚层()地基。
①  红粘土
②  块石土
③  饱和软土
④  盐渍土
【判断题】 成渝地区双城经济圈位于长江经济带区域重大战略的中游地区,同长江下游城市群和长三角一体化共同形成了长江经济带的关键支点。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 成都是西部地区()的区域之一。
①  A.自然条件最优
②  B.科技人才资源最多
③  C.产业基础最好
④  D.创新活力最足
【多选题】 长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区的战略定位包括()。
①  生态优势转化新标杆
②  绿色创新发展新高地
③  一体化制度创新试验田
④  人与自然和谐宜居新典范
【多选题】 长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区的战略定位包括()。
①  A.生态优势转化新标杆
②  B.绿色创新发展新高地
③  C.一体化制度创新试验田
④  D.人与自然和谐宜居新典范
【单选题】 Keeping eye contact ______ respect for the interviewer and your confidence.
①  says
②  pays
③  throws
④  shows
【单选题】 Seeing the enemy, the hero was behaving as though nothing______.
①  was happening
②  would happen
③  had happened
④  happened
【单选题】 __Why didn’t John call me ? __Oh, his cell-phone ran out of power, otherwise he______ you.
①  had called
②  would have called
③  called
④  would call
【单选题】 I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I______ the book from which it was made.
①  have read
②  had read
③  should have read
④  are reading
【单选题】 Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copper_______itclosely.
①  followed
②  following
③  to follow
④  being followed
【单选题】 But for the party, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 _____withthesizeofthewholeearth,thehighestmountaindoesnotseemhighatall.
①  When compared
②  Compare
③  While comparing
④  Comparing
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 It has been raining all day, but even though it______, we______there by tomorrow.
①  didnt rain, couldn’t get
②  hadn’t rained, couldn’t get
③  didn’t rain, can’t get
④  hadn’t rained, can’t get
【单选题】 The judge insisted that the woman______ innocent and that she______at once.
①  was; be set free
②  be; be set free;
③  be; was set free
④  was; was set free