在( )中,采用直推的方式使驱动齿轮伸出和飞轮齿轮啮合。
【单选题】 在行星齿轮式减速起动机中,行星齿轮( )。
①  只是围绕各自的中心轴线转动
②  沿着内齿圈公转
③  边自转边公转
【单选题】 减速起动机和常规起动机的主要区别在于( )不同。
①  直流电动机
②  控制装置
③  传动机构
【判断题】 平衡轴式起动机的驱动齿轮需要用拨叉使之伸出和退回。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 永磁式起动机中用永磁铁替代常规起动机的
①  励磁绕组
②  电枢绕组
③  电磁式开关中的两个线圈
【判断题】 减速起动机中直流电动机的检查方法和常规起动机完全不同。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 永磁式起动机中用永久磁铁代替常规起动机的( )。
①  电枢绕组
②  励磁绕组
③  电磁开关中的两个线圈
【判断题】 起动机驱动齿轮与飞轮不啮合并有撞击声,是由于启动开关闭合过晚的缘故
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 减速起动机中的减速装置可以起到降速增扭得作用
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 起动机励磁线圈和起动机外壳之间导通
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 减速起动机中的减速装置可以起到降速增扭的作用。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We shall ______ all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it.
①  appeal to
②  appeal for
③  appeal with
④  appeal of
【单选题】 He gambled ______ being able to buy a ticket at the last minute.
①  about
②  on
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 The big shot ______ several government officials in the past years.
①  buy out
②  buy up
③  buy off
④  buy down
【单选题】 Please ______ you cigar before entering this building.
①  put down
②  put up
③  put off
④  put out
【单选题】 The duke interjected, “What you accuse us ______ is true. I am to blame.”
①  with
②  about
③  /
④  of
【单选题】 The young man ______ the charm of his new colleague, a blonde from England.
①  took a chance
②  threw a book at
③  fell victim to
④  comply with
【单选题】 The family were having dinner when the ______ buzzer of the door sounded.
①  quiet@muted
②  silent
③  low
【单选题】 There were plenty of places to ______ the highway and be unobserved.
①  pull off
②  pull out
③  pull up
④  pull down
【单选题】 It was essential that her thinking ______ calm and reasoned.
①  remained
②  remain
③  had remained
④  would remain
【单选题】 It ______ to keep calm when confronted with dangers.
①  pays
②  takes
③  costs
④  deserves