实施先天性心脏病封堵术的患者,建议预防性使用( )类抗菌药物1次
【单选题】 实施心脏射频消融术的患者,建议预防性使用( )类抗菌药物1次
【单选题】 实施淋巴管造影术的患者,建议预防性使用( )类抗菌药物1次
【单选题】 实施腹膜透析管植入术的患者,建议预防性使用( )类抗菌药物1次
【单选题】 对于实施主动脉内支架植入术的高危患者,建议预防性使用抗菌药物( )次
【单选题】 最常见的先天性心脏病是( )
①  房间隔缺损
②  法洛四联症
③  室间隔缺损大小
④  肺动脉狭窄的严重程度
【单选题】 先天性心脏病最常见的是( )
①  房间隔缺损
②  室间隔缺损
③  动脉导管未闭
④  法洛四联症
【单选题】 哪种先天性心脏病肺血减少
①  房间隔缺损
②  室间隔缺损
③  动脉导管未闭
④  艾森曼格氏综合征
⑤  法洛四联症
【单选题】 对于实施下腔静脉滤器植入术的患者,关于预防性应用抗菌药物的建议是( )
【单选题】 实施脾动脉、肾动脉栓塞术的患者,建议预防性应用抗菌药物,但用药时间不应超过( )
【单选题】 漏斗征可见于下列哪种先天性心脏病
①  法洛四联症
②  房间隔缺损
③  室间隔缺损
④  动脉导管未闭
⑤  三尖瓣下移畸形
【单选题】 Ifyouwant______youhavetogetthefundsomewhere.
①  that the job is done
②  the job done
③  to have done the job
④  the job that is done
【单选题】 While _______ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.
①  having orbited
②  being orbited
③  having been orbited
④  orbiting
【单选题】 Theyareconsidering______beforethepricesgoup.
①  of buying the house
②  with buying the house
③  buying the house
④  to buy the house
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 ______suchagoodchance,heplannedtolearnmore.
①  To be given
②  Having been given
③  Having given
④  Giving
【单选题】 I appreciate_______ to your home.
①  to be invited
②  to have invited
③  having invited
④  being invited
【单选题】 Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copper_______itclosely.
①  followed
②  following
③  to follow
④  being followed
【单选题】 _____withthesizeofthewholeearth,thehighestmountaindoesnotseemhighatall.
①  When compared
②  Compare
③  While comparing
④  Comparing
【单选题】 We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her ______I saw her.
①  for the moment
②  the moment when
③  at the moment when
④  the moment
【单选题】 ______ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.
①  Even if
②  As far as
③  If only
④  So long as