采取呼吸道样本(鼻拭子、咽拭子、含漱液或 痰液)需要准备的采样器材有( )
【单选题】 采取粪便、肛拭子需要准备的采样器材有( )
【简答题】 使用咽拭子采集上呼吸道标本时应嘱咐病人[填空(1)],拭子涂擦部位在[填空(2)]或[填空(3)],要避免拭子接触[填空(4)]和[填空(5)]。
【单选题】 鼻、咽拭子采集时注意事项包括( )
【单选题】 鼻拭子采集的关键点是什么?
①  鼻拭子:待拭子顶端到达鼻咽腔后壁时,轻轻旋转一周
②  鼻拭子:沿下鼻道的底部向后缓慢深入,待拭子顶端到达鼻咽腔后壁时,轻轻旋转三周
③  鼻拭子:沿上鼻道的底部向后缓慢深入,待拭子顶端到达鼻咽腔后壁时即可
④  鼻拭子:沿中鼻道的底部向后缓慢深入,待拭子顶端到达鼻咽腔后壁时,轻轻旋转三周
【单选题】 采取尿液需要准备的采样器材有( )
【单选题】 采取血液标本需要准备的采样器材有( )
【单选题】 咽拭子采集部位的关键点是什么?
①  咽拭子:两侧咽扁桃体和咽后壁上下擦拭至少30秒
②  咽拭子:两侧咽扁桃体稍微用力来回转动擦拭,然后在咽后壁上下擦拭至少30秒
③  咽拭子:两侧咽扁桃体稍微用力擦拭,然后再在咽后壁上下擦拭至少3次
④  咽拭子:两侧咽扁桃体来回转动擦拭,然后再在咽后壁上下擦拭至少1次
【简答题】 直肠拭子
【单选题】 关于咽拭子采集的步骤,以下说法错误的是 ( )
【判断题】 通常将鼻、咽、喉、气管称为上呼吸道,将主支气管称为下呼吸道()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 毛泽东提出的繁荣我国科学文化事业的方针是( )
①  团结—批评—团结
②  大鸣大放
③  百花齐放,百家争鸣
④  发展民族的、科学的、大众的文化
【单选题】 犯罪是( )的行为。
①  危害国家和人民利益
②  危害社会
③  违反法律
④  应受刑罚惩罚
【单选题】 The thieves _____ the possibility of the alarm system sounding
①  overtook
②  overcame
③  overlooked
④  overworked
【单选题】 He was _____her in intelligence.
①  below
②  under
③  beneath
④  down
【单选题】 The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow _____to environmental threats.
①  response
②  responsibility
③  resolution
④  resistance
【单选题】 He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 Not until three years ago _____ to work outside.
①  he began
②  he begins
③  began he
④  did he begin
【单选题】 I _____him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
①  ought to have sent
②  couldn’t have sent
③  must have sent
④  needn’t have sent
【单选题】 My friend and adviser _____ to lend me his money.
①  have agreed
②  has agreed
③  agreed
④  are agreed
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split