外照射引起的急性放射病根据其临床特点和基本病理改变,分为( )
【单选题】 急性胰腺炎的基本病理改变是( )
①  纤维性变
②  水肿,出血,坏死
③  假性囊肿
④  脓肿
⑤  萎缩,退化
【单选题】 4~6Gy属于( )造血型急性放射病
【单选题】 吸收剂量( )时为脑型急性放射病
【单选题】 造成2人以下(含2人)急性死亡或者10人以上(含10人)急性重度放射病、局部器官残疾的事故,可评定为( )
【单选题】 外照射剂量可能大于2Sv的伤员,应分为( )
【判断题】 引起急性胰腺炎的主要病理机制为胰腺的自我消化。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 急性化脓性骨髓炎的病理变化特点是
①  只有骨质破坏而无增生
②  只有骨质增生硬化
③  早期以增生为主,伴有破坏和死骨
④  早期以软组织肿胀为主,随后出现骨质破坏增生
⑤  骨质破坏与骨质疏松同时进行
【单选题】 类风湿关节炎的基本病理改变是
①  滑膜炎
②  软骨变性
③  韧带、肌腱附着点炎
④  类风湿血管炎
⑤  骨质增生
【单选题】 关于急性胆囊炎的临床特点描述错误的是
①  进油腻饮食后,容易发病
②  右上腹持续性疼痛,阵发性加重
③  疼痛常放射至右肩或右背部
④  墨菲征阳性
⑤  多数病人伴黄疸
【单选题】 牛流行热是由弹状病毒引起的牛急性热性传染病,其流行特点是
①  发病低,病死率高
②  发病高,病死率高
③  发病高,病死率低
④  发病低,病死率低
⑤  散发或地方流行
【单选题】 She gave a ( ) performance as the leading role in the school play, and the active atmosphere filled the theater.
①  vibrant
②  vibration
③  vibrate
④  vibrating
【单选题】 Be ( ) of where weve come from and the spirit of our nation.
①  prove
②  proudly
③  proud
④  prouder
【单选题】 The union plans to raise the ( ) of overtime.
①  ignorance
②  insurance
③  issue
④  ideal
【单选题】 This washing powder will work miracles on these oil ( ).
①  stains
②  stain
③  stained
④  stainless
【单选题】 New businesses ( ) in this area.
①  thrive
②  thrill
③  thrift
④  threat
【单选题】 He moved to Ohio in 2005 where, ( )other things, he worked as a journalist.
①  awhile
②  amid
③  await
④  among
【单选题】 You need to ( ) to the local authority for a grant.
①  apply
②  applaud
③  appeal
④  arise
【单选题】 You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to ( ) with friends or do whatever they want.
①  hang out
②  hang up
③  hang on
④  hang in
【单选题】 On this calendar you can find elective classes as well as review sessions and other events that were not part of ( ) class or exam time.
①  mandate
②  mandator
③  mandated
④  mandatory
【单选题】 The related ( ) are sufficient for you to collect the information you need for your presentation.
①  public
②  publications
③  republic
④  in public