根据现行规定,因医疗行为引起的侵权诉讼,由( )承担举证责任
【单选题】 行政诉讼中对具体行政行为的合法性承担举证责任的是(    )  
①  原告
②  谁主张谁举证
③  被告
④  法院
【判断题】 行政复议的举证责任,由申请人承担。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 民事诉讼中的举证责任一般由( )。
①  原告承担
②  被告承担
③  人民法院承担
④  主张事实者承担
【判断题】 行政诉讼和民事诉讼中的举证责任一样,都是原告有举证责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对于被诉新产品制造方法专利侵权的,由被告举证证明自己不侵权,这叫举证责任倒置。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《行政诉讼法》规定,行政诉讼中( )对做出的具体行政行为负有举证责任。
①  原告
②  被告
③  原告和被告
④  原告或被告
【判断题】 劳动争议处理过程中由用人单位承担举证责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据《行政诉讼法》,下列关于在行政赔偿案件中的举证责任说法正确的是(  )。
①  原告应当对行政行为造成的损害提供证据
②  被告应当对行政行为造成的损害提供证据
③  因被告的原因导致原告无法举证的,由被告承担举证责任
④  因原告原因导致被告无法举证的,由原告承担举证责任
⑤  原告和被告各承担一半的举证责任
【判断题】 原告在行政诉讼中也负某些举证责任。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列何项依法在行政诉讼中不负责举证责任( )。
①  原告
②  被告
③  第三人
④  诉讼代理人
【单选题】 To make this ____ clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
①  distinction
②  indication
③  recognition
④  constitution
【单选题】 This hotel _____ us _____ a large house.
①  provides; for
②  offers; to
③  provides; with
④  offers; with
【单选题】 It’s very ____ and very kind of you to offer me this lovely holiday.
①  thoughtful
②  grateful
③  marvelous
④  considerable
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 — I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. —It_____ true because there was little snow there.
①  may not be
②  won’ t be
③  couldn’ t be
④  mustn’ t be
【单选题】 In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented ______ proper seating at the World’sAntislavery convention in London because of their sex.
①  refusing
②  to be refused
③  being refused
④  having refused
【单选题】 ____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz, folk, etc.
①  Domestic
②  Foreign
③  National
④  Classica
【单选题】 The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be ______ with the students and their parents.
①  recognized
②  popular
③  favorable
④  fascinated
【单选题】 I’ ll be____ the whole factory next week when the director’ s away.
①  charge
②  in the charge of
③  in charge of
④  take charge of