【单选题】 根据本讲,利用城市中的摄像头,构建()小时智能识别监控体系。。
①  7×12
②  7×24
③  6×12
④  6×24
【单选题】 通过生活照料措施,维系或提高老人生活活动能力。属于老年人日常生活照护的( )。
①  目标
②  以上都不是
③  认知
④  功能
【单选题】 手机的摄像头属于()。
①  A.阻抗式传感器
②  B.电动势式传感器
③  C.光电式传感器
④  D.量子传感器
【单选题】 介助老人:指日常生活行为依赖他人护理的老年人。( )
【单选题】 老年人生活自理能力的最终丧失表明其健康期寿命结束,成为失能老人,依赖他人照料活动以维系自我生活。
【判断题】 日常生活照料问题不是空巢老人存在的普遍问题之一。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 提高独立生活能力,就是要 ( )A B C D
①  树立自主学习理念
②  树立全面学习理念
③  树立创新学习理念
④  大胆实践、不断积累生活经验
【单选题】 对有睡眠障碍的老年人,多关注、关爱老人,多交流生活中的小事,多陪同老人。
【判断题】 少年前期是准备走向独立生活的时期。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 本课程提到的笔记本摄像头遮蔽神器名为()。
①  Skype
②  Spyslide
③  Scrollspy
④  slide
【单选题】 Everyone of them _______ tired and wanted a good rest.
①  seems
②  is seemed
③  was seemed
④  seemed
【单选题】 Peter: How about going to the movies tonight then?Mary: ____
①  I don’t know.
②  The movie is very interesting.
③  That sounds good.
④  The movie is very boring.
【单选题】 John was going to _______ Mary by telling his friends how much weight she had gained.
①  essential
②  embarrass
③  elementary
④  consider
【单选题】 The classroom is quite clean ____ some waste paper on the floor.
①  without
②  besides
③  except
④  except for
【单选题】 -- What day is today?-- Today is ______ .
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 All the men were under heavy____ working day and night
①  prize
②  rain
③  pressure
④  reward
【单选题】 —I’ve got an offer in New York. —Oh, ____! But I’m going to miss you.
①  That’s too bad
②  I’m sorry
③  I beg your pardon
④  That’s great
【单选题】 The ____child was learning to walk again gradually.
①  broken
②  harmed
③  injured
④  enable
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 Rapid reading means reading something fast just to ____ the general idea.
①  master
②  seize
③  grasp
④  imagine