( )主要指沟通信息的传送方式。
【单选题】 按信息的存在的方式,可将信息源划分为内部信息源和外部信息源两种类型。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 按信息源提供信息的加工深度,可以分为一次信息源、二次信息源、三次信息源、四次信息源。()
【单选题】 ( )主要指拥有信息并试图进行沟通的人。
①  通道
②  信息
③  信息源
【单选题】 文献型信息源不包括( )。
①  报纸
②  词典
③  现场报道
④  期刊
【单选题】 ( )主要指信息源试图传递给目标靶的观念和情感,它们必须被转化为各种可以被别人觉察的信号,这些信号包括语词的和非语词的。
①  信息源
②  通道
③  信息
【多选题】 信息源可靠性的判断因素有( )。
①  可确指的资产
②  不可确指的资产
③  单项资产
④  整体资产
【单选题】 联合国教科文组织1976年出版的《文献术语》将“信息源”定义为:个人为满足其信息需要而获得信息的来源,称信息源。一切产生、生产、存储、加工、传播信息的源泉都可以看作是信息源。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在沟通过程中( )可能会发生在任何一个环节,比如信息源可能是不明确的、不可靠的,发送的信息没有被有效和准确地编码,发送信息时选错了信道,目标靶没有能够对信息做出信息源所期望的反应等。
①  信息
②  通道
③  障碍
【单选题】 信息源中的同一信息可以为多个信息接收者使用,这种特性称为信息的()。
①  扩散性
②  层次性
③  共享性
④  普遍性
【多选题】 通信双发的信息交换方式主要有( )
①  单工通信
②  数字通信
③  全双工通信
④  半双工通信
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 We expect Mr. White will ____ Class One when MissJane retires.
①  take over
②  take up
③  take off
④  take to
【单选题】 My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”
①  must be
②  must have been
③  had been
④  had to be
【单选题】 ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
①  Since
②  When
③  While
④  Unless
【单选题】 None of us can work out the puzzle, _____ we?
①  can
②  can’ t
③  do
④  don’ t
【单选题】 Little Tom is an orphan(孤儿). _____, he has to make a living by himself.
①  A child as he is
②  Child as he is
③  Child as is he A child though he is
【单选题】 While driving along the treacherous road, ____.
①  my right rear tyre blew out
②  my right rear tyre had a blowout
③  I had a blowout on my right rear tyre
④  I had my right rear tyre blowout
【单选题】 She has breakfast at seven everyday, _____?
①  has she
②  hasn’ t she
③  does she
④  doesn’ t she
【单选题】 ----Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.----Oh, I _______ a walk with my mother at that time.
①  take
②  took
③  am taking
④  was taking
【单选题】 Confuciuswasafamousphilosopher ______ hasinfluencedtheworldgreatly.
①  whose
②  whom
③  which
④  who