在烈日下或高温环境中工作容易产生中暑,中暑者先有头痛、眩晕、心悸、恶心等症状,随即出汗停止,( ),如不及时抢救可致昏迷而死亡。
【单选题】 体温正常值为36~37℃;体温超过37℃称为发热,低于()℃称为低体温
①  A35
②  B35.5
③  C34
④  D34.5
【多选题】 在极端高温环境中,家畜调节体温的方式有
①  增加散热
②  减少产热
③  休眠
【单选题】 从疗程上,抗菌药物一般宜用至体温正常、症状消退后
①  24小时
②  24~36小时
③  36~48小时
④  36~72小时
⑤  72小时以上
【单选题】 抗菌药物疗程因感染不同而异,一般宜至体温正常、症状消退后( )小时
①  12-24
②  24-48
③  48-72
④  72-96
【单选题】 由于致热源作用于体温调节中枢,或体温调节中枢功能障碍等原因导致体温超过( )℃,称为高热。
①  38
②  38.5
③  39
④  40
【单选题】 正常小儿腋下测得的体温为,体温波动幅度不超过1℃:
①  36—37.4℃
②  37℃
③  36.5—37℃
④  36.5—37.4℃
【单选题】 山羊的正常体温为()。
①  A.37.5~40.5℃
②  B.38.0~40.0℃
③  C.38.5~39.5℃
④  D.37.5~39.5℃
【单选题】 “体温在39℃以上,但波动幅度大,24h体温差在1℃以上,最低体温仍高于正常水平,常见败血症”属于( )。
①  间歇热
②  稽留热
③  不规则热
④  弛张热
【单选题】 体温上升期的热代谢特点是
①  散热减少,产热增加,体温
②  产热减少,散热增加,体温
③  散热减少,产热增加,体温保持高水平
④  产热与散热在较高水平上保持相对平衡,体温保持高水平
【多选题】 下列症状中( )是轻症中暑的表现?
①  注意力不能集中
②  头晕乏力
③  胸闷气短
④  体温上升至38.5℃以上
⑤  呕吐
【单选题】 2. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language _________?
①  didyouspeak
②  weretheyspeaking
③  aretheyspeaking
④  havetheybeenspeaking
【单选题】 4.I do every single bit of housework ____my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.
①  since
②  while
③  when
④  as
【单选题】 9.The hero often said, “One should love ______ country!”
①  it’s
②  their
③  one’s
④  himself
【单选题】 6.I hope she is getting better.It`s said he ___a bad cold for a month.
①  hashad
②  hadhad
③  has
④  washaving
【单选题】 8.We ______ last night, but we went to the concert instead.
①  musthavestudied
②  mightstudy
③  shouldhavestudied
④  wouldstudy
【单选题】 1.---Is your headache getting ___? ---No, It`s worse
①  better
②  bad
③  less
④  well
【单选题】 5.---Is your daughter studying for an examination ? --- Yes, he`s ____it next week.
①  doing
②  making
③  togive
④  totake
【单选题】 3.John, look at the time.____you play the piano at such a late hour
①  Must
②  Can
③  May
④  Need
【单选题】 26.I was really anxious about you.You ___home without a word.
①  mustn`tleave
②  couldn`thaveleft
③  needn`tleave
④  shouldn`thaveleft
【单选题】 24.In those days all the work had to be done ___hand.
①  with
②  in
③  by
④  on