【单选题】 下列设备中属于气体灭火系统的是()
①  A贮存容器
②  B发生装置
③  C比例混合器
④  D过滤器
【多选题】 我国常用的气体灭火系统有()等
①  A二氧化碳灭火系统
②  B七氟丙烷灭火系统
③  CIG541灭火系统
④  D热气溶胶预制灭火系统
【判断题】 干粉灭火系统按照储存方式:分为储压气瓶型干粉灭火系统和储压型干粉灭火系统
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 气体灭火系统适用于扑救()
①  AA类火灾中一般固体物质的表面火灾
②  BB类火灾
③  C可切断气源的气体火灾
④  D带电设备与电气线路的火灾
【多选题】 气体灭火系统按其装配形式可分为()
①  A全淹没系统
②  B局部应用系统
③  C管网灭火系统
④  D无管网灭火系统
【单选题】 气体灭火系统机械应急操作装置应设在()
①  A防护区内
②  B无管网灭火系统中
③  C贮瓶间内或防护区外便于操作的地方
④  D泄压口
【判断题】 高压灭火系统就是灭火剂在常温下储存的二氧化碳灭火系统
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 气体灭火系统一般由()等组成
①  A灭火剂贮存瓶组
②  B液体单向阀、集流管、选择阀以及阀驱动装置
③  C压力讯号器
④  D管网
⑤  E喷嘴
【判断题】 气体灭火系统采用的是冷却、窒息(稀释氧气)、隔离(去除燃料)和化学抑制方法中的一种或多种方法。一般包括二氧化碳灭火系统、水蒸气灭火系统、氦气灭火系统和烟雾灭火系统、卤代烷灭火系统等
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下面( )属于闭式自动喷水灭火系统。
①  雨淋喷水灭火系统
②  水幕灭火系统
③  水喷雾灭火系统
④  湿式自动喷水灭火系统
【单选题】 2. You should deliberate over the question before you_______it.
①  response to
②  respond to
③  retellfrom
④  delete
【单选题】 Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely _____ to the outside world.
①  having been lost
②  to be lost
③  losing
④  lost
【单选题】 7. She is poor ______ she can hardly get anything to eat.
①  as much as
②  too much so that
③  so much so that
④  much more than
【单选题】 Of swimming and football he much preferred _____.
①  later
②  the later
③  former
④  the former
【单选题】 8.The sun emerged_________behind the clouds.
①  from
②  around
③  off
④  through
【单选题】 10. ______ radio ______ and try to find out what’s wrong with it.
①  Take…apart
②  Tell…apart
③  Cutting…into pieces
④  Separate…apart
【单选题】 3.Many American people lost their jobs in the economic_________of 1929.
①  emergency
②  crisis
③  time
④  stage
【单选题】 Many people complain of the rapid _____ of modern life.
①  rate
②  speed
③  pace
④  growth
【单选题】 _____his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
①  Dislike
②  Unlike
③  Alik
④  Liking
【单选题】 The assistant wrapped it _____ for her as quickly as possible.
①  round
②  about
③  in
④  up