【单选题】 新型城镇化是以()为本的城市化
①  工业
②  土地
③  经济
【判断题】 目前,我国超大城市人口密度偏高,特大城市人口密度偏低。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 城市人口的数量增长主要取决于人口的自然增长。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 经过70多年的社会主义革命、建设、改革开放,我国的城市化率大大地提升,到2018年,我国城市人口占比接近()%。
①  17
②  40
③  60
④  10
【单选题】 城市化率是指()占总人口(包括农业与非农业)的比率
①  市镇人口
②  农村人口
③  农业人口
④  非农业人口
【单选题】 《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)》提出,户籍人口城镇化率与常住人口城镇化率差距要缩小()百分点左右。
①  1个
②  2个
③  3个
④  4个
【判断题】 完善城乡布局结构,以城市群为主体构建大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的城镇格局,增强城镇地区对乡村的带动能力。加快发展中小城市,完善县城综合服务功能,推动农业转移人口就地就近城镇化。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 城市化就是人口向城市[填空]的过程。
【单选题】 当城市人口少于5万人时调查抽样率是()
①  1/15
②  1/10
③  1/8
④  1/5
【单选题】 2019年,我国常住人口城镇化率超过()。
①  35.93%
②  39.27%
③  42.68%
④  44.38%
【单选题】 Their happiness was very _____.
①  crisp
②  brittle
③  delicate
④  fragile
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the _____next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth _____.
①  wet
②  water
③  soak
④  taste
【单选题】 The old lady _____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
①  slided
②  slipped
③  split
④  spilled
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 _____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with him.
①  Seeing
②  Saw
③  Seen
④  To see
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to _____the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【多选题】 矛盾同一性在事物发展中的作用表现是什么?
①  矛盾双方在相互依存中得到发展
②  矛盾双方相互吸取有利于自身发展的因素
③  调和矛盾双方的对立
④  规定事物发展的基本趋势