【判断题】 中医学的基本特点是整体观念、辨证论治().
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是().
①  A.以整体观念为主导思想
②  B.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
③  C.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
④  D.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是()
①  A.治未病
②  B.以整体观念为主导思想
③  C.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
④  D.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
⑤  E.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是()
①  A.治未病
②  B.以整体观念为主导思想
③  C.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
④  D.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
⑤  E.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【单选题】 中医体质类型中,总体特征为阴阳气血调和,以体态适中、面色红润、精力充沛为主要特征的是()。
①  平和质(A型)
②  气虚质(B型)
③  阳虚质(C型)
④  阴虚质(D型)
⑤  湿热质(F型)
【多选题】 阴阳五行学说里,阴阳表达自然万物的属性。五行表达自然万物()的关系
①  A相生
②  B相辅
③  C相成
④  D相制
【多选题】 根据五行学说确定的治则有( )
①  虚则补其母
②  实则泻其子
③  抑强扶弱
④  实则泻之
⑤  虚则补之
【单选题】 以精神分析学说为理论基础的课程方案是
①  High/Scope课程
②  瑞吉欧教育体系
③  算术和阅读直接教学系统
④  斑克街早期教育方案
【单选题】 中医学的指导思想是
①  阴阳学说
②  辨证论治
③  精气学说
④  整体观念
⑤  五行学说
【多选题】 以经络学说指导临床诊疗,主要用于( )
①  局部用药
②  药物归经
③  按摩
④  针灸
⑤  气功
【单选题】 James Fraser ____ tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.
①  went out
②  went for
③  went in
④  went against
【单选题】 Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the ____ of the quality of their products.
①  expense
②  exposure
③  expansion
④  expectation
【单选题】 I always ____ what I have said.
①  get to
②  hold to
③  lead to
④  see to
【单选题】 The manager promised to keep me ____ of how our business was going on.
①  to be informed
②  on informing
③  informed
④  informing
【单选题】 I’m very sorry to have ____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
①  interfered
②  offended
③  impressed
④  bothered
【单选题】 If we say some food is ____, we mean it is safe to eat.
①  ideal
②  editable
③  ideate
④  edible
【单选题】 Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
①  novel
②  spoil
③  acceptable
④  additional
【单选题】 Her skin was dry after ____ to the wind during the trip.
①  failure
②  disclosure
③  exposure
④  pressure
【单选题】 Though ____ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.
①  grown
②  raised
③  tended
④  cultivated