A 2
B 4
C 6
D 8
【单选题】 因抢救急危患者,未能及时书写病历的,有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后()小时内据实补记,并加以注明
①  A3
②  B4
③  C5
④  D6
【单选题】 因抢救危急患者,未能及时书写病历的,有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后( )据实补记,并加以注明
【单选题】 依据《医疗纠纷预防和处理条例》规定,因紧急抢救未能及时填写病历的,医务人员应当在抢救结束后( )据实补记,并加以注明
【判断题】 因抢救危机患者,未能及时书写病历的有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后规定的时限内据实补记病历,该时限要求是8小时
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 因抢救危机患者,未能及时书写病历的有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后规定的时限内据实补记病历,该时限要求是()
①  A.6小时内
②  B.7小时
③  C.8小时
④  D.10小时
【单选题】 抢救患者时应及时记录护理记录单,来不及记录的于抢救结束后( )内据实补记,并加以说明
①  12小时
②  6小时
③  3小时
④  2小时
⑤  1小时
【单选题】 新冠疑似病例确诊或排除后应当及时订正,所有病例根据病情变化( )小时内订正临床严重程度
【单选题】 结案报告应当在应急响应终止后( )内呈交
【单选题】 设:inta=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2;执行(m=a>b)&&(n=c>d)后n的值为()。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 癌痛全面评估是指对癌症患者疼痛病情及相关病情进行全面评估,首次全面评估应当在患者入院后( )小时内进行,在治疗过程中,再次评估应当在给予止痛治疗( )天内或达到稳定缓解状态时进行,原则上不少于每月2次
①  24,1
②  24,3
③  12,2
④  8,3
【单选题】 Mr. John was busy, ____ he could not come.
①  but
②  therefore
③  and
④  nor
【单选题】 He is so shy that he ____ speaks in the public.
①  often
②  frequently
③  seldom
④  sometimes
【单选题】 Thanks to Mr. Wang, he kept____ us to remember the important things.?
①  to ask ?
②  asking ?
③  to be asked ?
④  not asking?
【单选题】 They will inform him ____ any progress they make in the experiment.
①  about
②  on
③  of
④  with
【单选题】 The reason I didn’t go to school that day was ____ill.
①  due to
②  that I fell
③  because of falling
④  because I fell
【单选题】 Chinahas launched a number of ____satellites since the 1970s.
①  information
②  Communication
③  TV
④  message
【单选题】 The weather in Harbin is quite different from____ in Hainan.
①  the one
②  one
③  that
④  it
【单选题】 24. The music sounded____. I enjoyed every minute of it
①  well
②  boring
③  wonderfully
④  beautiful
【单选题】 Julie has gained more experience than____ in her restaurant and the customers like her.
①  any waitress
②  other waitresses
③  the waitress
④  any other waitress
【单选题】 I eagerly answered all the questions, never ____ much about making mistakes.
①  worry
②  worried
③  worries
④  worrying