【单选题】 双孢菇菌丝生长最适酸碱度为多少?
①  A.PH值为6.8-7.2
②  B.PH值为6.8-7.8
③  C.PH值为4.8-7.2
④  D.PH值为6.4-7.2
【单选题】 素有“中国双孢菇之乡”的莘县,种植的双孢菇闻名遐迩。双孢菇生长所需要的条件不包括
①  A.水分
②  B.温度
③  C.有机物
④  D.阳光
【判断题】 编码阶段一般不需要撰写文档
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 蔬菜种子发芽多数不需要光。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 生长发育是有阶段性和程序性的,有的时候也会逆转生长。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 总体设计阶段暂时不需要考虑到测试计划
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 由种苓直接分离选育得到的具有结实性的菌丝体纯培养物,称为[ ]
①  母种
②  栽培种
③  原种
④  三级种
【单选题】 一般体格生长,下列哪个年龄阶段增长最快?( )
①  生后头6个月
②  半岁以后
③  生后1年内
④  幼儿期
【判断题】 棉花从2~3叶期开始花芽分化到停止生长,都是营养生长与生殖生长并进阶段,约占整个生育期的1/5
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 系统开发阶段不需要内部控制,因为后期发现问题是可以修改的。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Without entering the body and______damage, the CT is far superior to the X-ray or exploratory surgery.
①  cause
②  causing
③  caused
④  to be caused
【单选题】 ______, the free luggage allowance is 20 kilos.
①  As a rule
②  As though
③  As if
④  As well
【单选题】 Tables______ of stones or wood.
①  can made
②  can be made
③  can make
④  can made out
【单选题】 All the mobile phones must______ before the meeting starts.
①  be turning off
②  turn off
③  be turn off
④  be turned off
【单选题】 ______,the boy worked out the problem quickly.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 ―______?―Id like to send this parcel to one of my friends.
①  What are you doing here
②  Whats your name
③  Where are you from
④  How may I help you
【单选题】 Not until the pretty woman opened her mouth and spoke, ______she was a foreigner.
①  did I realize
②  had I realized
③  I had realized
④  I realized
【单选题】 Many passengers for a plane journey would like to reserve a ______ seat or aisle seat.
①  vision
②  view
③  glass
④  window
【单选题】 I have lost my white hat. I______ it somewhere.
①  must be dropping
②  must have dropped
③  must have been dropped
④  must drop