【单选题】 设某人篮球投篮命中率为p,要求连续投篮直到投中为止,则投篮次数X服从
①  二项分布
②  泊松分布
③  几何分布
④  两点分布
【多选题】 排球传球技术要领().
①  A.拇指相对成“一”字形或“八”字形传球
②  B.击球点在额前上方一米距离处,便于观察来球和传球目标
③  C.传球时臀部后坐,用不上蹬地力量
④  D.传球的力量是由多种力量合成的
【单选题】 设某人篮球投篮命中率为p,一共独立投了n次,则投中次数X服从
①  二项分布
②  几何分布
③  泊松分布
④  两点分布
【单选题】 木马入侵主机的主要目的是为了
①  维护系统
②  窃取机密
③  更新程序
【多选题】 篮球运球方式有().
①  A.控制性运球
②  B.快速运球
③  C.变速运球
④  D.运球转身
【单选题】 高速钢淬火后进行多次回火的主要目的是()。
①  消除残余奥氏体,使碳化物入基体
②  消除残余奥氏体,使碳化物充分析出
③  使马氏体分解,提高其韧性
④  消除应力,减少工件变形
【单选题】 外围突破法的审计目的是(  )。
①  总账
②  明细账
③  确定有疑点的收支项目是否发生
④  有疑点的收支项目的凭证
【判断题】 学习历史的主要目的是为了以史鉴今、资政育人。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 液压系统中,采用密封的主要目的是为了防止灰尘的侵入。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 传球游戏中的音乐速度变化较多,有中速的、慢速的和快速的,还有渐快和渐慢的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Be quiet! Its rude to ____ people when they are speaking.
①  interfere
②  introduce
③  interrupt
④  prevent
【单选题】 Train services are now back to ____after last week’s strike.?
①  ordinary ?
②  usual ?
③  normal ?
④  natural?
【单选题】 I thought I knew the way, but ____I got lost.
①  somehow
②  somewhat
③  anyhow
④  anyway
【单选题】 The ____ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. ?
①  images ?
②  pictures ?
③  photos ?
④  shadows ?
【单选题】 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but ____ a lot of special customs as well.
①  share
②  spare
③  hold
④  carry
【单选题】 “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need___ to read through it.”
①  other three minutes
②  another three minutes
③  three other minutes
④  more three minutes
【单选题】 ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
①  Hardly had he begun
②  No sooner had he begun
③  Not until began
④  Scarcely did he begin
【单选题】 13. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was always ____; as an adult, though, my room is always neat..
①  tidy
②  orderly
③  mess
④  untidy
【单选题】 Women have to be more ____ than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.
①  difficult
②  ambitious
③  traditional
④  conservative
【单选题】 24. The kind-hearted woman always tries to help others, but recently she has been ____kind and generous.
①  chiefly
②  specially
③  principally
④  especially