【多选题】 主动脉弓的分支有
①  A.左颈总动脉
②  B.右颈总动脉
③  C.头臂干
④  D.左锁骨下动脉
⑤  E.右锁骨下动脉
【单选题】 属于主动脉弓的分支是( )。
①  左锁骨下动脉
②  锁骨下动脉
③  右颈总动脉
④  左冠状动脉
【单选题】 属于主动脉弓的分支是( )。
①  左锁骨下动脉
②  锁骨下动脉
③  右颈总动脉
④  左冠状动脉
【单选题】 关于颈总动脉的描述,正确的是
①  在甲状软骨上缘高度分出颈内动脉和颈外动脉
②  右侧颈总动脉起自升主动脉
③  左侧颈总动脉起自头臂干
④  走行于气管和喉的后方
⑤  颈动脉窦位于颈总动脉的起始处
【单选题】 法洛四联症行右室造影时,见左室及主动脉与右室肺动脉同时显影,提示
①  房间隔水平右向左分流
②  室间隔水平右向左分流
③  主肺动脉水平右向左分流
④  室间隔水平左向右分流
⑤  左室及主动脉正常显影
【单选题】 不属于颈外动脉的分支是().
①  A.面动脉
②  B.舌动脉
③  C.脑膜中动脉
④  D.颞浅动脉
【判断题】 动脉干分隔不均常导致主动脉与肺动脉错位。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 主动脉造影:主动脉和和肺动脉不会用时显影。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 导管可从肺动脉进入降主动脉。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 若误将颈内动脉认为颈外动脉而加以结扎,可导致后果不包括()
①  因颈内动脉血运丰富而无大影响
②  可导致同侧脑循环障碍
③  可导致同侧偏瘫
④  死亡率近50%
⑤  是颈外动脉结扎的主要危险
【单选题】 Modern machinery _______ been installed in this newly-built factory.
①  has
②  have
③  is
④  are
【单选题】 After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.
①  see to it
②  attain it
③  catch it
④  make it
【单选题】 Before the final examination, some students have shown _______ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.
①  anxiety
②  marks
③  remarks
④  signs
【单选题】 Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic._________
①  Great, I am very art-conscious.
②  Don’t mention it.
③  Thanks for your compliments.
④  It’s fine.
【单选题】 Sorry, I can’t find the books you asked for.____________
①  Don’t mention it.
②  It’s your fault.
③  Thanks anyway.
④  I won’t forgive you.
【单选题】 The atmosphere _______ certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.
①  composes of
②  is made up
③  consists of
④  makes up of
【单选题】 Do you mind my smoking here?___________
①  No, thanks.
②  Yes, I do.
③  Yes, I’d rather not.
④  Good idea.
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 he children  ()  many times not to play with fire.
①  told
②  have told
③  have been told
④  are being told
【单选题】 _______ girl dressed _______ black is her sister Rose.
①  A; in
②  A; on
③  The; on
④  The; in