【判断题】 咳嗽是由六淫外邪侵袭肺系,或脏腑功能失调,内伤及肺,肺气失于宣降,上逆作声,咳吐痰液,为肺系疾病的主要症候之一
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 痴呆是由髓减脑消或痰瘀闭阻脑络,神机失用而致的一种神志异常病证,以呆傻愚笨,智力低下,善忘为主要临床表现
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 胃气上逆临床表现常见
①  咯血
②  呃逆
③  咳嗽
④  嘈杂
⑤  喘息
【判断题】 哮病是由于宿痰伏肺,遇诱因或感邪引触,以致痰气搏结,壅阻气道,肺失宣降所致的发作性的痰鸣气喘疾患
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 水肿的发生主要与肺、脾、肾三脏有关,肺失宣降、脾失健运、肾不气化是引起水肿的主要病机。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 感冒(伤风)是感触风邪或时行病毒,引起肺卫功能失调,出现鼻塞,流涕,喷嚏,头痛,恶寒,发热,全身不适,脉浮等主要临床表现的一种外感病
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 气虚证的临床表现通常可见
①  脱肛
②  舌淡
③  小便清长
④  恶寒喜暖
⑤  头重如裹
【多选题】 水肿是指因感受外邪、饮食失调或劳倦过度,使(),导致体内水液潴留泛滥肌肤,表现以头面、眼睑、四肢、腹背,甚至全身浮肿为特征的一类病证
①  A.肺失通调
②  B.脾失转输
③  C.肾失开合
④  D.三焦气化不利
【判断题】 感冒,俗称伤风,是感触风邪或时行病毒,引起气血功能失调,出现鼻塞,流涕,喷嚏,头痛,恶寒,发热,全身不适等主要临床表现的一种外感病。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 气机失调的临床表现中哪项是错误的( )
①  气滞
②  气逆
③  气虚
④  气闭
⑤  气脱
【单选题】 The idea of winning the eyes of the people around ____ powerfully to some youngsters, so they are eagerly identifying themselves.
①  defy
②  expel
③  attract
④  appeals
【单选题】 The top of the Great Wall is _______ for five horses to go side by side.
①  wide
②  wide enough
③  enough wide
④  so wide
【单选题】 Charles regretted ______ the TV set last year. The price has now come down.
①  buying
②  to buy
③  of
④  from
【单选题】 I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me.____________
①  Not too bad.
②  Never mind.
③  It’s a pleasure.
④  Thank you.
【单选题】 No sooner _______ than they began to work.
①  they had arrived
②  they would arrive
③  had they arrived
④  would they arrive
【单选题】 Louis was asked to ___ the man who stole her purse.
①  confirm
②  recognize
③  claim
④  identify
【单选题】 For thousands of years man dreamed  () seemed impossible dreams about flying.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  why
【单选题】 ___________ priorities
①  make
②  set
③  establish
④  identify
【单选题】 _______ these honours he received a sum of money.
①  Besides
②  Outside
③  But
④  Except
【单选题】 He didn’t ______ to cause so much unhappiness.
①  extend
②  attend
③  intend
④  tend