【单选题】 学习中医学的入门课程是().
①  A.医古文
②  B.中医基础理论
③  C.中医临床医学
④  D.中医预防医学
【判断题】 肉在中医学理论体系当中,在中医学术语概念系统当中,又称肌肉
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是().
①  A.以整体观念为主导思想
②  B.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
③  C.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
④  D.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是()
①  A治未病
②  B以整体观念为主导思想
③  C以辨证论治为诊疗特点
④  D以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
⑤  E以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是()
①  A.治未病
②  B.以整体观念为主导思想
③  C.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
④  D.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
⑤  E.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【多选题】 中医学独特理论体系的特征是()
①  A.治未病
②  B.以整体观念为主导思想
③  C.以辨证论治为诊疗特点
④  D.以精气阴阳五行学说为哲学基础
⑤  E.以精气血津液及脏腑经络的生理病理为基础
【单选题】 中医学理论体系形成于().
①  A.隋唐时期
②  B.金元时期
③  C.明清时期
④  D.战国至秦汉时期
【单选题】 中医学是发源于哪个国家的传统医学()
①  A中国
②  B日本
③  C印度
④  D埃及
【单选题】 中医学是发源于哪个国家的传统医学().
①  A.中国
②  B.日本
③  C.印度
④  D.埃及
【单选题】 中医学的指导思想是
①  阴阳学说
②  辨证论治
③  精气学说
④  整体观念
⑤  五行学说
【单选题】 It was strange _______ she left without saying a word.
①  that
②  what
③  why
④  how
【单选题】 After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made ______ all sorts of awkward questions.
①  answer
②  answering
③  answered
④  to answer
【单选题】 The medicine is on sale everywhere.You can get it at _______ chemists.
①  each
②  some
③  certain
④  any
【单选题】 Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes contributes ___ the increaseof cancers.
①  to
②  for
③  with
④  towards
【单选题】 I _____ the right to appeal to higher authorities.
①  conserve
②  reserve
③  store
④  remain
【单选题】 Xiao Lu won a ______ at the tennis match.
①  prize
②  price
③  praise
④  present
【单选题】 It s surprising that this idea took so long to _______.
①  add to
②  dispose of
③  catch on
④  absorb in
【单选题】 The problem is () it may take time for new facts to become available.
①  that
②  how
③  what
④  if
【单选题】 Mr. Clinton, together with his wife and children, _______ going to the park next weekend.
①  is
②  has
③  are
④  was
【单选题】 Since evidence of the fraud came to light, Congress has been demanding a ______ investigation.
①  horrible
②  thorough
③  thoughtful
④  weird