【单选题】 中国营养学会推荐成人脂肪摄入量应控制在总能量的()。
①  A.45%
②  B.25%~30%
③  C.20%以下
④  D.20%~30%
【判断题】 我国营养学会推荐乳母每日膳食中蛋白质,供给量应达到85g。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量推荐每日膳食脂肪供能为总能量的
①  5%~6%
②  20%~30%3
③  0%~40%
④  10%~20%
【单选题】 合理膳食中蛋白质供给量占膳食总能量的适宜比例是( )。
①  8%
②  12%
③  20%
④  30%
【单选题】 中国营养学会2000年制定的膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)不包括
①  平均需要量(EAR)
②  推荐的营养素供给量(RDA)
③  推荐摄入量(RNI)
④  适宜摄入量(AI)
⑤  可耐受最高摄入量(UL)
【单选题】 为维护骨骼健康,我国营养学会制定成人每日钙摄入推荐量为()。
①  1000mg
②  1200mg
③  1600mg
④  800mg
⑤  400mg
【单选题】 碳水化合物易消化吸收,是人体最重要的能源物质。推荐其提供的能量占总能量的()
①  20%~38%
②  46%~58%
③  56%~68%
④  70%~80%
⑤  10%~30%
【单选题】 成人食物中碳水化合物占总能量的百分比应为( )。
①  12%~14%
②  25%~30%
③  55%~65%
④  30%~50%
⑤  70%~80%
【单选题】 中国营养学会建议每人每日食盐摄入量应少于(? )g
①  6
②  7
③  9
④  8
【单选题】 每克碳水化物在体内可提供能量为( )。
①  4.184kJ
②  16.7kJ
③  29.3kJ
④  37.6kJ
【单选题】 But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ____suffering and poverty.
①  anything but
②  nothing but
③  none other than
④  no more than
【单选题】 Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content ___ talking about.
①  worthwhile
②  worthily
③  worth
④  worthy
【单选题】 Jane tried to ____ the doorman with money, but she failed.
①  bribe
②  corrupt
③  award
④  endow
【单选题】 He packed an ____ shirt in case he had to stay another day.
①  spare
②  unnecessary
③  excessive
④  extra
【单选题】 I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ____ me.
①  revived
②  released
③  relieved
④  recovered
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education ____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves ______ half an hour.
①  by
②  in
③  for
④  until
【单选题】 She was____ at your saying that.
①  interested
②  troubled
③  annoyed
④  anxious
【单选题】 Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to ______ her ______?
①  cheer; up
②  cheer; on
③  pick; up
④  put; away
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I