【单选题】 现代农业经营体系属于()问题。
①  A.生产力
②  B.生产关系
③  C.生产资料
④  D.生产力+生产关系
【判断题】 2021年中央一号文件强调,推进现代农业经营体系建设。突出抓好家庭农场和农民合作社两类经营主体,鼓励发展多种形式适度规模经营。(单选 2 分)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的(  )问题,必须始终把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重。
①  基本性
②  根本性
③  重要性
④  特殊性
【多选题】 现代农业经营要素包括()。
①  A.人才
②  B.科技
③  C.资本
④  D.规模
【多选题】 把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作的重中之重,其思想内涵包括()。
①  A重发展
②  B重农民利益
③  C重农业现代化
④  D重改革创新
【单选题】 关于现代农业产业体系,下列说法正确的是()。
①  A.重点是解决“谁来种地”和经营效益问题
②  B.先进生产手段和生产技术的有机结合
③  C.核心是提高农业产业的整体竞争力,促进农民持续增收
④  D.属于生产资料问题
【多选题】 现代农业经营要素包括()。
①  人才
②  科技
③  资本
④  规模
【判断题】 建设现代农业,与构筑产业体系、培育市场体系无关。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 ()问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题,必须始终把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重。
①  农业
②  农村
③  农民
④  农田
【单选题】 培育新型农业经营主体,指的是乡村振兴战略中的()振兴。
①  产业振兴
②  人才振兴
③  文化振兴
④  组织振兴
【单选题】 The electric fan does not work because of the ____ of service.
①  pause
②  break
③  interruption
④  breakdown
【单选题】 It is ____ to fly an airplane at three thousand miles an hour.
①  possible
②  likely
③  maybe
④  probable
【单选题】 The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.
①  wasted
②  spoiled
③  destroyed
④  uneducated
【单选题】 When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ____ her umbrella.
①  bring
②  fetch
③  take
④  carry
【单选题】 The new cut in interest rate ____ promote domestic investment.
①  means to
②  directs toward
③  is meant to
④  leads to
【单选题】 —__________fine day it is today!—Yes, the sunshine is__________beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.
①  How, such
②  What a, very
③  How, so
④  What a, so
【单选题】 By cutting down trees we ____ the natural home of birds and animals.
①  harm
②  hurt
③  injure
④  damage
【单选题】 Nowadays, many people suffer from _________ depression under the pressure of working.
①  acute
②  sharp
③  quick
④  cute
【单选题】 Something must have happened on their way. Or they_____ by now.
①  should have arrived
②  should arrive
③  would have arrived
④  would arrive
【单选题】 The treasury issued an order stating that ____ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.
①  henceforth
②  moreover
③  whereby
④  however