【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德2014年被()全资收购了。
①  A.百度
②  B.阿里巴巴
③  C.腾讯
④  D.搜狐
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通信息服务覆盖()多个城市以及全国高速路网。
①  A.一百一十
②  B.一百
③  C.九十
④  D.八十
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通信息服务覆盖全国高速()以上。
①  A.90%
②  B.70%
③  C.60%
④  D.50%
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通信息服务覆盖全国主干道路及其它()以上。
①  A.90%
②  B.70%
③  C.50%
④  D.30%
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通日均采集数十亿定位请求,系统处理月均()公里驾驶里程覆盖。
①  A.50亿
②  B.80亿
③  C.100亿
④  D.150亿
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德交通报告针对全国()个城市交通状态进行挖掘分析。
①  A.21
②  B.25
③  C.30
④  D.38
【单选题】 根据涂子沛先生所讲,哪一年被称为大数据元年?
①  A.2006年
②  B.2008年
③  C.2010年
④  D.2012年
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,高德实时统计用户近()行驶里程数据与用户数,一旦发现异常则报警。
①  A.5分钟
②  B.10分钟
③  C.15分钟
④  D.20分钟
【单选题】 根据周琦老师所讲,以下哪项不属于数据挖掘的内容?
①  A.补充与完善路网属性
②  B.多维分析统计用户出行规律
③  C.建立道路拥堵概率与拥堵趋势变化模型
④  D.高德地图导航有躲避拥堵功能
【判断题】 2010年,大数据上升为美国国家战略。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 3.It is impossible for a man like him to bear the ______ of being suspected as a thief.
①  fame
②  stigma
③  reputation
④  mark
【单选题】 7.Children learn how to______ with others by playing with their friends.
①  interact
②  talk
③  involve
④  . absorb
【单选题】 27.The city council is planning a huge road-building programme to ease congestion. The underlined part means _____.
①  calm
②  relieve
③  comfort
④  still
【单选题】 10.Mother advised him that Tom is not a good guy to ______.
①  associate with
②  care about
③  touch
④  be concerned with
【单选题】 18.He told me he saw it , but _____fact he wasn’t really there.
①  in point of
②  at point of
③  about point of
④  from point of
【单选题】 21.Sex education in primary school is still a big _____ in China today.
①  question
②  issue
③  problem
④  event
【单选题】 24.All the President’s Men _____ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.
①  remains
②  remained
③  remain
④  is remaining
【单选题】 22.Plant your fig-tree _________ there is plenty of sunshine.
①  that
②  where
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 17.She is stupid, but it’s different _____ Mary; she is just lazy.
①  in case
②  in case of
③  in case that
④  in the case of
【单选题】 15.We would have arrived two hours ago _____the traffic jam.
①  because of
②  as a result of
③  despite
④  but for