团队沟通的特征有( )。
【多选题】 团队沟通的特征有( )。
①  A.精而简的沟通规模
②  B.团队成员的多样性
③  C.团队交流的直接性
④  D.积极承诺,通力合作
【单选题】 团队领导要想具备团队支持能力,必须做到?①让团队成员了解自己的重要性; ②经常与团队成员沟通,并参与到他们的工作中去; ③不断鼓励团队成员; ④了解团队成员的生活情况。
①  ①②③
②  ①③④
③  ①②④
④  ②③④
【多选题】 团队成员的选择对团队的发展至关重要。优秀的团队成员具有的特征有( )。
①  A.把握时机
②  B.灵活性
③  C.自我克制
④  D.维护团队利益
【多选题】 团队成员的选择对团队的发展至关重要。优秀的团队成员具有的特征有( )。
①  A.把握时机
②  B.灵活性
③  C.自我克制
④  D.维护团队利益
【判断题】 创业团队在组建时不仅要考虑团队成员在经营管理职能上的多样性和完备性,还要考虑团队成员在每一职能上的专业水平。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 团队沟通的原则有( )。
①  A.统一的工作目标原则
②  B.办事制度化原则
③  C.建设性争议程序化原则
④  D.对下属的信任原则
【单选题】 在支付结算中充当中介机构的是( )。   A.   B.   C.   D. 【答案】D。
①  工商局
②  单位
③  个人
④  银行
【判断题】 机械的合作和指令性的合作会约束团队成员个性的施展,桎梏团队成员个人能力的发挥,对团队的发展是极其不利的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列各项中,代表政府设置国库单一账户体系的是( )。 A. B. C. D.
①  中国人民银行
②  国有商业银行
③  政府机关
④  财政部门
【判断题】 团队总是可以促成团队成员之间的合作。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Im sorry. Robert is not in his office. B: [填空]?
①  Are you sure for that
②  Would you like to leave a message
③  Can you take a message for me
④  Can he phone me
【单选题】 A: Were you at home last night? B: [填空].
①  Certainly
②  Certainly I was
③  Sure I was
④  O.K
【单选题】 A: What would you like, sir? B: [填空].
①  Two cups of coffees
②  Two coffees
③  Two cup of coffee
④  Two cups coffee
【单选题】 A: [填空], Mr. John? You dont look very well. B: Ive had a pain in my chest since this morning.
①  How are you
②  Whats your trouble
③  How are you feeling
④  How are you getting on
【单选题】 —Do you mind if Charlie borrows a few hundred dollars from you?—Im afraid I do. Ill be glad to lend money to _____ but Charlie.
①  someone
②  everyone
③  anyone
④  no one
【单选题】 Will you see to _____ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?
①  it
②  me
③  /
④  yourself
【单选题】 A: That was a great dinner. [填空] B: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.
①  I have never had it before.
②  You must have spent all day cooking.
③  I enjoyed it very much.
④  Who cooked it?
【单选题】 The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and ______ of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled _____ with horror.
①  those; someone
②  that; everyone
③  no one
④  this; anyone
【单选题】 Of all the movies Hepbum made ______ is more memorable than “Breakfast at Tiffanys”.
①  few
②  little
③  no one
④  none
【单选题】 A: Its very kind of you to show me the way. B: [填空].
①  Youre welcome
②  It was nothing
③  Not at all
④  Never mind