【判断题】 荒漠化的最直接结果就是沙漠化
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 荒漠化的最终结果大多是沙漠化。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国是世界上荒漠化最严重的国家之一,面积约占陆地的()
①  A.7.4%
②  B.17.4%
③  C.27.4%
④  D.37.4%
【判断题】 我国领土面积是960万平方公里。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 【单选】()是第28个世界防治荒漠化与干旱日,今年我国确定的主题为“携手防治荒漠化共建命运共同体”。
①  2022年6月17日
②  2022年6月18日
③  2022年6月19日
④  2022年6月20日
【判断题】 荒漠化防治工程:是指在干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱区,为治理和预防土地荒漠化所采取的各种工程的、生物的、农业的和综合的技术措施与手段
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 长江经济带的面积约()万平方公里。
①  A.150
②  B.205
③  C.301
④  D.508
【单选题】 我国960多万平方公里国土面积中,155个民族自治地方占()。
①  A.34%
②  B.44%
③  C.54%
④  D.64%
【单选题】 土地沙漠化的自然因素有()
①  A过恳过牧过樵,水资源不合理利用
②  B气候干旱,土地疏松,降水少或有时集中
③  C不合理开矿,气候干旱
④  D水资源不合理利用、土地疏松
【判断题】 荒漠化防治总体思路是人与自然的协调----防治的核心
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She dares to go alone, _____?
①  does she
②  dares she
③  doesn’ t she
④  daren’ t she
【单选题】 Its an important component of preschool education to help and instruct young children to develop a positive ______.
①  self-reality
②  self-evidence
③  self-service
④  self-concept
【单选题】 You ____ business interfering with my affairs.
①  have none
②  have no
③  have none of the
④  have nothing like
【单选题】 Whatwereyoudoing ______ therainstormcame?
①  while
②  when
③  before
④  after
【单选题】 We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ____.
①  reserved for
②  engaged in
③  used up
④  taken up
【单选题】 It is ____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ____suffering and poverty.
①  anything but
②  nothing but
③  none other than
④  no more than
【单选题】 Information and opinion gap exercises have to have some content ___ talking about.
①  worthwhile
②  worthily
③  worth
④  worthy
【单选题】 Jane tried to ____ the doorman with money, but she failed.
①  bribe
②  corrupt
③  award
④  endow
【单选题】 He packed an ____ shirt in case he had to stay another day.
①  spare
②  unnecessary
③  excessive
④  extra