【多选题】 在抗日问题上,中国共产党做得比国民党好得多,这么说的原因在于()。
①  A.抗日民族统一战线是在中共的倡导下建立的
②  B.抗日民族统一战线最后胜利得益于共产党人的委曲求全
③  C.共产党的部队消灭了大量日伪军
④  D.共产党的部队牵制了大量日伪军
【单选题】 中国共产党在抗日民族统一战线中坚持独立自主原则的实质是( )。
①  巩固和发展抗日民族统一战线
②  力争共产党对抗日战争的领导权
③  粉碎国民党顽固派反共投降逆流
④  争取民主,废止国民党一党专政
【多选题】 中国共产党在抗日民族统一战线中的策略总方针是( )。
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  打击资产阶级
【多选题】 中国共产党在抗日民族统一战线中的策略总方针是
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  打击资产阶级
【多选题】 中国共产党提出巩固抗日民族统一战线的策略方针是( )。
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  坚持独立自主
【多选题】 中国共产党巩固抗日民族统一战线的策略总方针是?
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  反对投降势力
【多选题】 中国共产党巩固抗日民族统一战线的策略总方针包括()
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  打击亲日势力
【多选题】 中国共产党提出巩固抗日民族统一战线的策略总方针是( )。
①  发展进步势力
②  争取中间势力
③  孤立顽固势力
④  坚持独立自主
【单选题】 中国共产党为巩固抗日民族统一战线,对顽固势力采取( )政策。
①  发展
②  争取
③  消灭
④  孤立
【判断题】 中国共产党自抗日民族统一战线中取得了合法地位。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We are confident that relations between ?North Korea and South Korea _______ through further?? efforts to reduce the long-term hostile ?attitudes.
①  are being improved
②  will be ?improved
③  have been improved
④  are improved
【单选题】 Yourroomis______mine.
①  twice as large than
②  twicethesizeof
③  biggertwicethan
④  astwicelargeas
【单选题】 The old farmer,________the badly injured and burnt soldier,came out of the burning farmhouse,calling continuously for help.
①  supporting
②  having supported
③  being supported by
④  being supported
【单选题】 They can’t leave until they _______ their work .
①  did
②  are doing
③  have done
④  his done
【单选题】 As I will be away for at least a year,Id appreciate________from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.
①  having heard
②  to hear
③  hearing
④  being heard
【单选题】 The dog,________,will be made a good watchdog.
①  to train properly
②  being trained properly
③  properly to train
④  trained properly
【单选题】 What ______if I drink this ?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 —Have you searched the sitting room for your key? —No. It was in the study________ I remember I left it.
①  which
②  where
③  that
④  as
【单选题】 The monument(里程碑) was built in honor of the explorer who was believed________the river.
①  to have discovered
②  to have been discovered
③  to discover
④  having been discovered
【单选题】 Theearthisabout_______asthemoon.
①  as fiftytimebig
②  fiftytimesasbig
③  asbigfiftytimes
④  fiftyastimesbig