It [填空] me some timeto make a plan.
【判断题】 Please take some photoes for me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an _____plan.
①  bright
②  clever
③  brilliant
④  ingenious
【单选题】 She told me ?[填空]come and take a pen.
①  not
②  to
③  that
④  in
【单选题】 I need some ( )to take the bus.
①  exchange
②  charge
③  tip
④  change
【单选题】 16. A; John , do you want me to take you to the hospital? B: No, thanks. Ann _____ take me.
①  will
②  is going to
③  may
④  must
【单选题】 Could you make an appointment with Doctor Wilson for me?____________
①  I cannot do it for you.
②  Im afraid all the appointments are filled.
③  You can have it.
④  Can I help you?
【单选题】 “Which of these two ties will you take?” “I’ll take ____to give me a change sometimes.”?
①  either ?
②  both ?
③  neither ?
④  all?
【单选题】 The airplane?[填空] is taking off?is?making a lot of noise.
①  what
②  which
③  who
④  those
【单选题】 —It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.—Well, you know what they say. _____.
①  There is no smoke without fire.
②  Practice makes perfect
③  All roads lead to Rome
④  No pains, no gains
【单选题】 I asked some policemen to tell me the way home. They smiled and answered me_________ .
①  slowly
②  heavily
③  politely
④  rudely
【单选题】 已知直线过点<img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565321501439277.png" data-latex="\left ( {\sqrt {3},-3} \right )"/>,且倾斜角为30°,则直线的方程是( )
①  <img src="20190809/1565321420131356.png" title="1565321420131356.png" alt="图片49.png"/>
②  <img src="20190809/1565321484569743.png" title="1565321484569743.png" alt="图片50.png"/>
③  <img src="20190809/1565321493966443.png" title="1565321493966443.png" alt="图片51.png"/>
④  <img src="20190809/1565321498657079.png" title="1565321498657079.png" alt="图片52.png"/>
【单选题】 下列哪一条直线和直线<img src="20190809/1565320201526987.png" title="1565320201526987.png" alt="图片23.png"/>垂直( )
①  <img src="20190809/1565320231265885.png" title="1565320231265885.png" alt="图片24.png"/>
②  <img src="20190809/1565320236985820.png" title="1565320236985820.png" alt="图片25.png"/>
③  <img src="20190809/1565320240932537.png" title="1565320240932537.png" alt="图片26.png"/>
④  <img src="20190809/1565320244810901.png" title="1565320244810901.png" alt="图片27.png"/>
【单选题】 下列哪一条直线和直线<img src="20190809/1565320280214095.png" title="1565320280214095.png" alt="图片28.png"/>平行( )
①  <img src="20190809/1565320330561884.png" title="1565320330561884.png" alt="图片29.png"/>
②  <img src="20190809/1565320342971883.png" title="1565320342971883.png" alt="图片30.png"/>
③  <img src="20190809/1565320351487163.png" title="1565320351487163.png" alt="图片32.png"/>
④  <img src="20190809/1565320355903162.png" title="1565320355903162.png" alt="图片31.png"/>
【单选题】 圆心在(3,-2)且与y轴相切的圆的方程是( )
①  (x-3)2+(y+2)2=9
②  (x-3)2+(y+2)2=4
③  (x+3)2+(y-2)2=9
④  (x+3)2+(y-2)2=4
【单选题】 经过点(0,-3)和点(-2,0)的直线的斜率为( )
①  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565321660113443.png" data-latex="\frac {2} {3}"/>
②  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565321660704793.png" data-latex="\frac {3} {2}"/>
③  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565321660224474.png" data-latex="-\frac {3} {2}"/>
④  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565321660377728.png" data-latex="-\frac {2} {3}"/>
【单选题】 一个球的直径是6cm,距球心2cm处有一截面圆,这个截面圆的半径是()
①  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565323084593264.png" data-latex="4\sqrt {2}"/>
②  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565323084828913.png" data-latex="\sqrt {5}"/>
③  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565323084235099.png" data-latex="1"/>
④  <img class="kfformula" src="20190809/1565323084316280.png" data-latex="\sqrt {13}"/>
【单选题】 若两球的表面积之比为4∶9,则它们的体积之比为 ( )
①  2∶3
②  4∶9
③  8∶27
④  16∶81
【单选题】 正四棱柱的棱数、顶点数、面数分别为( )
①  12、8、6
②  6、8、12
③  8、6、12
④  12、6、8
【单选题】 下列命题“如果一个平面经过另一个平面的一条垂线,那么这两个平面互相垂直”,“如果两个平面互相垂直,那么一个平面内的一已知直线必垂直于另一个平面内的任意一条直线”,“过互相垂直的两条直线中的一条所作的平面必垂直于另一条直线”,“分别过两条互相垂直的直线所作的平面必相交”中,错误的命题有()个。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 两条异面直线在同一平面上的射影不可能是( )
①  二相交直线
②  二平行直线
③  一直线及其外一点
④  二重合直线