They want a cloth. Give [填空] the blue one,please.
【单选题】 A: Will you please give the note to him? B: [填空].
①  No,please not
②  Sorry,I dont
③  Certainly,Ill give it to him
④  Yes,please do
【单选题】 Please give her [填空] paper.
①  one
②  a piece
③  a
④  a piece of
【单选题】 Suits are usually made ( ) woolen cloth. People can wear a suit most of the year.
①  from
②  of
③  in
④  at
【单选题】 A: Well, its time for us to go. B: [填空].
①  Nice to meet you
②  Have a nice day
③  I wish you a pleasant journey
④  I hope you will soon feel better
【单选题】 Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that[填空] noted for its busy harbor.
①  have
②  is
③  has
④  are
【单选题】 A: Here you are, 100 yuan. B: Thanks.[填空]. Next one, please.
①  Thats all
②  Wait a minute
③  Its a good deal
④  Heres your change
【单选题】 15. If you want to change for a blue shirt, youll have to pay ____ $ 10.
①  another
②  other
③  more
④  each
【单选题】 Pay attention please!__ of you want to attend the party?
①  Who
②  Which
③  Whom
④  What
【单选题】 The elderly people like those know them very well and give them respect.
①  which
②  who
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 ____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”.
①  Seeing
②  To be seen
③  Seen
④  Having seen
【多选题】 新闻公关策略主要包括()
①  热点移用
②  借助名人
③  小题大做
④  感情放大
【多选题】 直邮营销商品的特征()
①  稀缺
②  价格低
③  新潮
④  购买隐蔽
【多选题】 广告发布时序的策略主要包括()
①  提前发布
②  预告发布
③  同步发布
④  延迟发布
【多选题】 事件营销的特点是()
①  及时性
②  免费性
③  目的性
④  风险性
【多选题】 国际目标市场的进入方式主要包括()
①  贸易式进入
②  契约式进入
③  直接投资式进入
④  国际战略联盟式进入
【多选题】 在市场调研的基础上,对新产品市场进行预测,主要包括()
①  功能预测
②  概念预测
③  销量预测
④  竞争对手预测
【多选题】 返利政策的制定过程中,具体内容应该包括哪几方面()
①  返利标准
②  返利期限
③  返利形式
④  返利条件
【多选题】 服务质量主要包括()
①  技术质量
②  功能质量
③  人员质量
④  设备质量
【多选题】 赞助对象的级别选择一般包括()
①  公益赞助
②  社区性赞助
③  一对一赞助
④  品牌性赞助
【多选题】 分销渠道策划的原则是()
①  激励原则
②  目标相融原则
③  适应性原则
④  维护信誉原则