________ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.
To grow
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables _____the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants _____wild.
①  that once grew
②  once they grow
③  they once grow
④  once grew
【单选题】 Smile at everyone It doesn’t matter( ) he or she is, and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.
①  when
②  what
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 The children all have very different( ) .
①  personalities
②  persons
③  private
④  humans
【单选题】 The students union has seen a growing ( ) to over several hundred.
①  crowd
②  public
③  population
④  membership
【单选题】 _____the stress of examinations are over, we call all relax.
①  while
②  Even though
③  Now that
④  For
【判断题】 Tourists from all over the world love to buy clothes in Hongkong
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she ____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she _____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 公司股东滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任,逃避债务,严重损害公司债权人利益的,公司人格被否认,相关股东应当对公司债务承担( )。
①  无限责任
②  有限责任
③  连带责任
④  无限连带责任
【判断题】 会计学属于管理学范畴,是对企业进行财务信息的加工、管理和分析。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列项目中,不应计入材料采购成本的有( )。
①  买价
②  运输费
③  采购人员的差旅费
④  装卸费
⑤  入库后的整理挑选费用
【单选题】 各种会计核算程序的区别在于( )。
①  登记总账的依据不同
②  编制会计报表的依据不同
③  总账的格式不同
④  会计凭证的种类不同
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”The doctor insisted on send him to serve in the army.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Oil, gasoline and water were added, and the car was ready to be drive away.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Computer____________ more and more extensively in the world today.
①  are being used
②  are been used
③  have used
④  were used
【判断题】 公司股东会决议内容违法的无效
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 监事、高级管理人员:
①  无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力;
②  因贪污、贿赂、侵占财产、挪用财产等犯罪被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾五年的。
③  担任破产清算的公司、企业的董事或者厂长、经理,对该公司、企业的破产负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业破产清算完结之日起未逾三年;
④  担任因违法被吊销营业执照、责令关闭的公司、企业的法定代表人,并负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年;
【多选题】 经济法律关系的内容包括?
①  经济权利
②  经济义务
③  经济管理关系
④  经济协作关系