This is the _____ mobile phone I want to buy.
【单选题】 I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still ____ her voice on the phone.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  hear
④  know
【单选题】 — I can’t find my mobile phone. I’m sure it’s in this room. — _______. I’ll call you with my phone. When it rings, you can follow the sound.
①  Excuse me.
②  Good luck
③  Don’t worry
④  ok
【单选题】 I want to buy some ( )something typical Chinese at scenic spots.
①  goods
②  souvenirs
③  articles
④  items
【单选题】 Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
①  three
②  third
③  forth
④  不填
【判断题】 A: I like your shirt. You look very nice today. B: No, it’s quite ordinary.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 If you want to go, [] is quite all right with you.
①  that
②  which
③  and it
④  so
【单选题】 Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on ____.
①  time
②  plan
③  schedule
④  arrangement
【多选题】 People may buy___________ everything they want in the department stores.
①  hardly
②  rarely
③  nearly
④  almost
【单选题】 -Ann, congratulations! Your cuisine was ?very successful and everyone ______. -Thank you, I just tried my ?best. I am happy to know you enjoyed it.
①  had impressed
②  impressed
③  has impressed
④  was impressed
【单选题】 --I was quite surprised that I was elected as the chairman of the meeting.--________________________________
①  I think so.
②  You shouldnt surprise.
③  You are welcome.
④  You did an outstanding job and you really deserved it.
【判断题】 工件在夹具中定位,有六个定位支承点就消除了六个自由度即为完全定位。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 车床主轴的纯轴向串动对()的形状精度有影响。
①  切削内外圆
②  车削端平面
③  车内螺纹
④  切槽
【单选题】 钻削时切削热传出的途径中所占比例最大的是()
①  刀具
②  工件
③  切屑
④  空气介质
【单选题】 工件以圆柱面在短V形块上定位时,限制了工件()个自由度。
①  5
②  4
③  3
④  2
【单选题】 某零件属单件小批生产但定位精度要求较高,应采用()装夹。
①  自动找正
②  直接找正
③  划线找正
④  使用夹具
【单选题】 既可加工铸铁,又可加工钢料,也适合加工不锈钢等难加工钢料的硬质合金是 ( )
①  YW类
②  YT类
③  YN类
④  YG类
【单选题】 在金属切削加工中,刀具切下来的切屑厚度通常()工件上切削层的厚度。
①  小于
②  都有可能
③  大于
④  等于
【单选题】 定位误差主要发生在按()加工一批工件过程中。
①  试切法
②  调整法
③  定尺寸刀具法
④  轨动法
【单选题】 若钻孔分两次进行,其钻孔直径一般应大于()。
①  40mm
②  10mm
③  30mm
④  20mm
【单选题】 用硬质合金刀具调整切削时,一般()
①  用低浓度化液
②  用切削液
③  不用切削液
④  用少量切削液