I __________ an interesting news item in yesterday’s Times.
came across
came up
came to
came over
【单选题】 It was in the school library ____ I came across John.
①  that
②  which
③  where
④  how
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about
【单选题】 The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  how
【单选题】 The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  how
【单选题】 My friend_______when I came in.
①  drank
②  drink
③  was drinking
【单选题】 The question came up at the meeting ___ we had enough money for our research.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  if
【判断题】 Mr. Li came across an old friend yesterday. They were both surprised.划线部分应该翻译成“登门拜访”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Evidence came up ____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【单选题】 Evidence came up _____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  why
【判断题】 请判断下句是否语法正确。She came run back to tell us the news.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 明初被朱元璋称赏的铁冠道人是()
①  周颠
②  彭莹玉
③  张中
④  张三丰
【单选题】 大洋洲遗址位于()
①  泰和
②  新干
③  樟树
④  吉安
【单选题】 嘉靖时期极受明世宗宠信的江西道士是()
①  李孜省
②  李自然
③  李日芳
④  邵元节
【单选题】 国内发现最早的斜织机构件发现于()
①  凤凰山墓
②  仙水岩崖墓
③  昌邑战国墓
④  三星堆
【单选题】 ()是明清时期闽粤移民的集中地和大本营。
①  赣南
②  赣中
③  袁州
④  赣北
【单选题】 晚唐有民谚“筠袁赣吉,脑后插笔”,其中“筠”是指当今()
①  高安
②  上高
③  宜春
④  新余
【单选题】 吊桶环遗址的一项惊世发现是()
①  陶器
②  野生稻
③  磨制技术
④  钻孔技术
【单选题】 西汉末年,王莽改制后,豫章群更名为()
①  九江郡
②  南昌郡
③  鄱阳郡
④  庐陵郡
【单选题】 江西“讼风”最盛的时期是在()
①  唐宋
②  宋明
③  元明
④  明清
【单选题】 吴城遗址的整个面积达()平方千米。
①  3
②  4
③  5
④  6