At midnight, he received a telephone call and was asked to meet at once.
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 Her wish was that he __________ at Beijing University at once.
①  studies
②  studied
③  study
④  will study
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Hardly he had entered the room when he was asked to leave the room at once.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You’d better ________ to hospital at once.
①  go
②  to
③  going
④  gone
【单选题】 It was required that the crops [填空] harvested at once.
①  be
②  will be
③  are
④  being
【单选题】 Danny left this ____ message on my answering machine: “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o’clock.” Did he mean noon or midnight?
①  ambiguous
②  responsible
③  implicit
④  thoughtful
【单选题】 My suggestion is that Tom _____ to see a doctor at once.
①  go
②  goes
③  will go
④  going
【单选题】 You’ll be late, ______ you start at once.
①  or
②  if
③  and
④  unless
【单选题】 The woman was innocent and the judge insisted that she______at once.
①  be set free
②  be setting free;
③  was set free
④  set free
【单选题】 His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.
①  peace
②  large
③  ease
④  best
【判断题】 轻质隔墙设置空腔,空腔内敷设电气管线、开关、插座、面板等;外墙的室内墙板宜设置空腔。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 刚体受三力作用而处于平衡状态,则此三力的作用线()。
①  必汇交于一点
②  必皆为零
③  必互相平行
④  必位于同一平面内
【单选题】 约束对物体运动的限制作用是通过约束对物体的作用力实现的,通常将约束对物体的作用力称为()。
①  约束反力
②  被动力
③  荷载
④  约束
【判断题】 力是物体之间相互的机械作用,这种作用的效果是使物体的运动状态发生改变,而无法改变物体形态。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 一般建筑物下电缆的埋设深度不小于()。
①  2m
②  1m
③  0.5m
④  1.5m
【单选题】 电缆转弯和分支处标志牌清晰齐全、弯曲半径要()规定值。
①  以上都不对
②  等于
③  大于
④  小于
【多选题】 常见的电缆敷设方式有()。
①  电缆构筑物敷设
②  保护管敷设
③  水下敷设
④  地下直埋敷设
【多选题】 关于在电缆构筑物上敷设电缆正确的说法有()。
①  人力敷设电缆时,统一指挥,每隔1.5~3m有一人肩扛电缆,边放边拉,慢慢施放,不得放在地上摩擦拖行
②  机械施放电缆时,一般采用专用电缆敷设机并配备必要牵引工具,牵引力大小适当、控制均匀,以免损坏电缆
③  同一侧支架上的电缆排列顺序正确,控制电缆在电力电缆下面,1KV及其以下电力电缆应放在1KV以上电力电缆下面
④  敷设前采用人工或机械先开挖电缆沟槽,并在已开挖的电缆沟槽内平铺一层20cm黄砂
【判断题】 电缆与其他电气设备相连接,需要有一个能满足一定绝缘与密封要求的连接装置叫做电缆头。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有关地方人民政府不能有效控制生产安全事故的,应当及时向上级人民政府报告。上级人民政府应当及时采取措施,统一指挥应急救援。
①  正确
②  错误