_________ such a good chance he planned to learn more.
Having given
Having been given
To be given
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【判断题】 Given that they are fresh from the university, the young people have done a good job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It’s better having short lines with more bank tellers.
①  [A] 如果银行出纳员多一些,不用排长队就好了。
②  [B]最好是排的队短一些,银行出纳员多一些。
③  [C]要是排的队短,银行出纳员最好多一些。
④  [D] 银行出纳员多一些,队就排得更短了。
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 I have given_______finishing this project.
①  over
②  down
③  up
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 11. Having finished the letter, he_________ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.
①  folded
②  bent
③  turned
④  curved
【判断题】 蒙台梭利提出“20世纪是儿童的世纪”这一命题。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 1947年日本《学校教育法》将幼儿园纳入受文部省领导的学校系统。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 德可乐利认为“再现教学法”比“兴趣教学法”能更好地激发儿童的基本动力。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 2003年《关于幼儿教育改革与发展的指导意见》提出了实现今后五年我国学前教育改革与发展目标的措施为完善“地方负责、分级管理”的体制。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 经过改革开放30多年的发展,我国设置学前教育(幼儿教育)专业的中等学校包括()。
①  幼儿师范学校
②  普通中专
③  职业高中
④  职教中心
【多选题】 关于综合教育课程的表述,以下正确的是()。
①  打破了学科之间的界限
②  围绕儿童的生活来选择学习内容
③  强调幼儿园教育各领域之间、各教育要素之间的有机整合
④  吸取和发展了陈鹤琴的幼稚园课程论思想。
【多选题】 以下属于英国首相布莱尔执政时期的学前教育改革政策有()。
①  “确保开端”计划
②  “每个孩子都重要”规划
③  儿童保育十年战略
④  早期奠基阶段规划
【多选题】 蒙台梭利认为儿童的心理发展具有()。
①  节律性
②  阶段性
③  规律性
④  不确定性
【多选题】 杜威所说的“从做中学”,实际上也就是()。
①  “从活动中学”
②  “从经验中学”
③  “从社会中学”
④  “从学校中学”
【多选题】 1956年《关于幼儿园幼儿的作息制度和各项活动的规定》规定了()幼儿园作息时间表。
①  整日制
②  寄宿制
③  半日制
④  开放制