A man’s suit is a ( ) jacket and a pair of trousers.
【判断题】 A: Why didnt you buy that pair of trousers? B: I disliked its pattern.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Which of the following is the advantage of pair work?
①  It is an ideal way to show materials and do presentations together
②  It allows students to work together rather than under teacher’s guidance
③  It reinforces a sense of belonging among a group of members
④  It is very stressful.
【多选题】 A: That suit looks very good on you.B:___________ ?
①  How many is it
②  How much is it
③  How much does it cost
④  Whats the price
【单选题】 In winter, men and women wear an overcoat ( ) their suit.
①  over
②  under
③  in
④  to
【单选题】 Which of the following do not belong to minimal pair?
①  Will well
②  Till tell
③  Fill fell
④  Well well.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work in a pair?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.
①  is
②  are
③  has
④  have
【单选题】 Suits are usually made ( ) woolen cloth. People can wear a suit most of the year.
①  from
②  of
③  in
④  at
【单选题】 Does jogging cost much? No, it costs almost_________ but a good pair of shoes.
①  everything
②  anything
③  something
④  nothing
【单选题】 If he_____the storekeepers scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.
①  would not see
②  had not seen
③  having not seen
④  has not seen
【单选题】 ()在我国现代化建设全局中居核心地位。
①  A.发展
②  B.教育
③  C.创新
④  D.人才
【单选题】 高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的 ()。
①  A.基本任务
②  B.首要任务
③  C.根本任务
④  D.主要任务
【单选题】 中国共产党已走过()年奋斗历史。
①  A.百
②  B.九十
③  C.八十
④  D.七十
【单选题】 中国式现代化的本质要求是:坚持(),坚持中国特色社会主义。
①  A.从严管党治党
②  B.人民民主专政
③  C.人民当家做主
④  D.中国共产党领导
【单选题】 贯彻总体国家安全观,以坚定的意志品质维护国家主权、安全、(),国家安全得到全面加强。
①  A.经济利益
②  B.海上利益
③  C.海外利益
④  D.发展利益
【单选题】 全面推进依法治国,建设法治国家,需要坚持()、()、()一体建设。
①  A法治社会、法治规范、法治体系
②  B法治国家、法治社会、法治条例
③  C法治国家、法治政府、法治规范
④  D法治国家、法治政府、法治社会
【单选题】 《物权法》(第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议于()年3月16日通过)第149条规定,住宅建设用地使用权期间届满的,自动续期。
①  A2005
②  B2007
③  C2008
④  D2009
【单选题】 全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴,关键在()。
①  A.党
②  B.人民
③  C.政府
④  D.青少年
【单选题】 ()是指导党和人民实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确理论。
①  A.中国特色社会主义道路
②  B.中国特色社会主义理论体系
③  C.中国特色社会主义制度
④  D.中国特色社会主义文化
【单选题】 实践告诉我们,中国共产党为什么能,中国特色社会主义为什么好,归根到底是马克思主义行,是()的马克思主义行。
①  A.中国化
②  B.中国化时代化
③  C.时代化
④  D.现代化